Ok well I posted this on bungie.net in THIS THREAD anyways in the thread you will see 30+ pictures and even Recon fusions. anyways you can download the map in the link below DOWNLOAD LINK How to use: Well at the bottom right side of the map you will see a turret. It is really two turrets. Now all you need to do go in to forge or custom game and BOTH players get on the turrets and match up with eachother to make fusions. You can do color fusions in custom games
i know its simple but you need pics anyway, and a better discription or else a mod/mini mod will lock this.
Read this thread to learn how to post maps... To everyone else stop posting the same thing over and over. There is a little thing called spam you know!
lol This actually made it to Halo.bungie.org too Hopefully it gets a news thing here or something Also guys im posting community fusion in the thread on b.net
Ive seen this before. And at first I didnt believe it. Its a very good idea. I am gonna download it and fuse some elites with spartans.
lol i dont think spartans and elites would look good, as elites hunch, and spartans stand up straight
Well that requires the new map im making for elite/spartan fusions. I am also making a 3 way fusion one too. They both need some fine tuning though
The one pic you got posted here i believe its called point is def the best looking one i saw at least my fav. nice job!
wow really awesome armor combinations. how did you get the recon combination and how do you combine them?
Wow... that one picture says it all. I can't wait to fuse... 10/10 for the find. great job... i'll look at the other fuses in a sec
lol thanks also while your on the armor fusion thread please comment on it because threads on b.net die in like 2 sec