Trogdor's Forts V2.0 Created by SpartanJediMan Gamertag: JWeiner 1 Suggested Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Assault, Infection Map Description Welcome to Trogdor's Forts! A triumvirate (group of 3) of 3 strongholds made for more competetive/objective based games. This is a mostly symmetrical map on Foundry, with each team starting at their own identical bases. In the middle, there is a large, nuetral base that will be the center of combat. Whoever holds the base, controls the map. The thing worth noting here, though, is that this middle fortress is not like all others, it is a plain, 2 storied building that IS possible to attack. There are no unlimited weapons cache or anything, and there is cover that you can use to advance. Most of the weapons are BRs, with two maulers in the center base. Each of the side bases have a plasma pistol and a sniper that spawns 30 seconds into the game. There is a Carbine outside the shield door. On each side of the middle base are 2 SMGs, and inside the middle base are plasma rifles, a brute shot, and a needler. Somewhere in the map though, is a rocket launcher that spawns 30-45 sec. (I forgot) into the match, but I'm not saying!! ________________________________________________________ The Middle Base *Note: The upper half of the wall that goes down the middle of the level is removed to show how long the middle base goes. Behind the middle base Inside one of the side bases View of Entrance to one of the Side bases Another view of above from the turret of the middle base _________________________________________________ Please Enjoy the map!! --Made by JWeiner 1 I would like to thank the forgehub for teaching me it all, and bungie for making such a great game. Download Trogdor's Forts right here
nice fort, pretty decent, some more interlocking, and that wall with some holes for shooting in it would be preettty sick! 3.5/5 just cause its been done first of all, and because its not yet up to its best
Looks good. But there is room for improvement. (Also, you posted the same pic. twice) I'll get back on you after I check the map out.
Average map, I like barriers as short walls, but they disappear when they are destroyed, you need to interlock more, because I did not see any interlocking. Good job non-the less keep making maps because you will keep getting better per map!
I realize this is not the most original or complex map out there, but it was my first map and I made it because all the other maps that are very basic were made very poorly, or just did not work at all. I made this map a long time ago, but decided not to post it until now
Nice map but there is room for more interlocking. Lol, i like the name. Trogdor the Burninator is the cooliest, lol Map: 3/5
Most of my interlocking comes in the floor for the 2nd story of the middle fort, and the fence walls, while nothing incredible. I only geomerge in two places, where some double boxes are barely into the wall so no one can throw grenades through the gap because the corner is curved into the side bases. Most of it is not too noticeable though
Hey man great work on your map!But I have some suggestions that I think will make it better and look nicer.First off try to make it neater.Soem of the stuff you placed is uneven and sloppy,which doesn't make a symetrical feel symetrical.All of the double boxes makes the map feel pretty bland,meanign spice it up a bit.Try some new things.Don't just do what other people do.Replace some walls with other things like fences ,walls,etc.I know this is annoying but interlock some stuff!If somethign is bumpy or sloppy fix it ,don't take shortcuts or the small way out.I see you merged a double box in the wall so I give you kudos for that seeing that its very frustrating to merge.Hoepfully this helped you and if you need any help just PM me.Can't wait too see your next maps =].
Thx for the suggestions, and I'll take these into account for any new maps I am making . . . sniff . . . I'm soo happy!
Looks nice, but I'm not a fan of shield doors. They encourage camping more often than not. Shield doors with space underneath to chuck a nade is okay tho. is okay, but it looks sloppy and not that much interlocking. 3/5 for the idea of trogdor in mind i guess lol
8/10. its pretty good... i don't understand why its called trogdor forts though. it has nothing to do with trogdor.