[this is not a question and answer thread, if you don't want a sig, but want to ask me something, private message me] I am back, with my best, and final sig thread. This will be a even more organized thread, and all of the sigs will be higher quality, since it's summer. It you want me to make you a sig, either post on the page, or, if you want me to notice your request as soon as possible, send me a message titled "Sig Request". Also, if you would like a avatar to go along with i t, i will make you one. So, there are a few rules for this thread, and i really don't want them to be broken. You must fill out the form If you want to ask me a personal question, please, send me a message, this thread is not a Q + A. The only time you should post on this thread is, posting a request, or a simple thank you. If you would like to comment on my work, just send me a message Now that that's done with, on to the form Note: If you don't fill out the form, and you just say "Make me a sig with a dog in it" i will ignore your post. Form Clean Request Form Examples of my work: Code: [CENTER][IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm162/L0CKdownN/locksigg.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm162/L0CKdownN/randalcandalsig.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm162/L0CKdownN/squsig.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm162/L0CKdownN/linksig.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm162/L0CKdownN/marathonsig.jpg[/IMG] Post a Request [/CENTER]
Do we post the request in the blog thing or here?... Ill put it here and edit if im wrong :S Render:I dunno,something halo related or to do with my GT's armor Name:Supa Midget Style:Blurry,colourful Text:Lethargic font(1001 fonts.com :S) Quote:The strength of three hundred midgets-Sodagod,capre jugulum Thanks in advance ;D
Render/Character: Name: None. Style: Angelic Color Scheme: Gray, purple, and dark blue. Text- Jellyka Castle Something (It should be on the first page of dafont) Quote: Terminus el Totus Res
Can you make me a Link sig? Character/Render: Any awesome link pic (preferably from the wind waker) Name: Th Kn1ght Other stuff: Make it awesome! You are a great sig maker so I trust that it will be great! You would probably have to make it bright because the wind waker is nice bright and cheery!
READ THE RULES You too, its hard to believe that you have looked when you havent read the rules. Do mine if your bored because the chances of me using for more than a day are about 1/20. Render/Character:Pedo Bear Name: Pedo Bear Style: w/e works Color Scheme: You choose, its more fun for you that way.
Render/Character: The guy in my sig now. Name: Scopulus Style: dark and abstract Color Scheme: emo kid colors - black,red, purple even if it'll look good. Text- surprise me
Render/Character: Baldur, Render is here Name: Randle $candal Style: Metallic, with elements of organic (like blood and such) Color Scheme: Metallic colors Text- something metallic, Idk... Quote:none
Render/Character: Name: sdrakulich Style: dark, highlights, and make it scary, creepy Color Scheme: black, with highlights (orange, yellow) NO RED Text- get ready to be eaten by Stefan's D EDIT: PLEASE INCLUDE THE XCF FILE FROM GIMP!!!
Render/Character: None Name: SPAGETTII Style: Colorful, simple Color Scheme: I want a fade of colors. Like blue that fades into green that fades into yellow that fades into orange... and so on Text- w/e Quote: None
Render/Character: Altair from Assassins Creed Name: Ub3rtuba Style: Medieval Style Color Scheme: Black and blues, but kind of faded, like medieval like still Text- like a the chiller font, but mix it up to see if that looks better. Quote: none
Render/Character: Markus please. (Main character of Gears of war) Name: Macka654 Style: Grunge Color Scheme:Dark, black. Sort of gears of war-ish Text- EVOL Quote: "Get back in your whole" kthnxbai =]
That's prolly one of your best. Render/Character: Barney Name: Dizfunk Style: Happy Color Scheme: Colorful and happy Text- Dizfunk loves Barney! Quote: "I love you, you love me..."
Render/Character: To be honest, I have no idea. I just want a cool design. I know that leaves a lot of questions, but if you have an idea, go with it 'cause I know it'll look great, but if not PM me and I guess I'll try to figure something out. Name: Murdock Sampson Style: Abstract/Simple/Colorful Color Scheme: No preference Text- No preference Quote: None. Really I'm leaving a lot up to you because I have no idea what I want it to look like. I'm hoping you could coming up with something good. If you have questions please PM me. Kthnxbye