Hijackman! V2 Created by Ace Of Light Supported Gametypes: Hijackman! V2 Map Description IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PLAYED Hijackman! <<Changes from the first version>> Map changes: -MUCH better arena, structurally and aesthetically. -Box wall is higher -Starting area looks better and has 2 man cannons to enter the arena fast. -Camo has been switched with a custom powerup -Man cannons are now in the wall -Catwalk removed and replaced with a teleporter system -Ghosts spawn earlier -Two plasma pistols now spawn at the same time as the chopper, on the opposite side of the arena, to combat the chopper. -Huge "HA" in the floor for Hijack Arena!(Thanks xR0ckNRollx for the suggestion!) Gametype changes: -Players do 0% damage, basically making players invincible except to vehicle collision. -Gametype allows weapon pickup (for plasma pistols) -Custom powerup gives 15 seconds of Good Camo and 150% move speed. -Point limit extended to 20 points per round. IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED Hijackman! <<Read the following>> BASIC CONCEPT:The Hijack Arena V2 is the map configured for the Hijackman! V2 Gametype. Hijackman! V2 is based on this simple but fun concept: Splattering people is FUNNY! The map itself is nothing special- there are two starting areas with two warthogs each, a teleporter system for drop-down hijacks, and a large, open central area. HOW THE GAME WORKS: There are 2 rounds that last to 20 points OR 5 minutes each. Players gain 2 points by splattering another player, but lose 1 point for assassination. This point system, especially in large parties, forces players to have to hijack to get a vehicle to kill people. WHAT MAKES IT SPECIAL: There is an custom powerup in in the middle of the arena that grants speed and invisibility, for those OMG-I-GOT-HIJACKED-BY-AN-INVISIBLE-GUY moments (also those omg-I-splattered-an-invisible-guy-in-reverse moments). After 1.5 minutes, 2 ghosts will spawn. After 3 minutes, a chopper falls from the sky (Warning: The chopper has been know squash people waiting for it to spawn), and plasma pistols appear at the opposite side of the arena to combat it. The chopper is, in essence, the map's "Power Weapon". The V2 version has already been heavily tested and perfected- there is close to nothing that can be abused.Recommended party size is 3-8 players. Trust me, with every player higher than 3 the fun doubles. _________________________________________________ The Arena One of the Starting Areas The Teleporter system Unseen Aesthetics Ghost and Chopper spawns Action Shots! Me doin' a wheely Maverick doin' a wheely Me hijacking Maverick Maverick having bad luck Maverick having bad day _________________________________________________ I want to thank my testers, especially XR0ckNRollx (for aesthetic suggestions), MelowMaverick (seen in above funny screenshots), and PhoenixMagicman (for teaching me outside-the-map stuff). Download Hijack Arena V2 Download Hijackman! V2
i like how you the map have those geomerged bridges. that just looks cool. so i think this would be kind fun for large parties, but with the smaller parties, not so much. any way, i give the map a 4/5.
looks like fun but if every one spawns together wouldn't the first person to the warthog just keep reversing to splatter people as they spawn
It's so awesome how you have got those Bridges in the ground, is that a "H" and a "a''? Anyway, I will try this map out and see how it plays.
What would be the point of that??? There are multiple teleporter recievers, and you are sent to one randomly. Besides, you can't camp- assassinations give no points. Please read above. And yes, that is an "H" and an "A", for Hijack Arena =P
Who wouldn't want to splatter and and hijack their friends all day long? This is just so much fun. Excellent work, Ace. You are a Legend in the making ^_^.
The warthog requires more speed than that in order to splatter- it's pretty close to the spawns, so it wouldn't have enough room to work up speed in reverse to kill. Also, there are TWO spawn areas, just one of them is not shown in above images. Also, it can be fun with small parties (it's been tested with everywhere from 3-8 players), but above 4 is where it really starts to get crazy.
i like how you used the brideges to make a design on the ground but the gameplay is pretty basic. cool looking though 4/5
the geomerged bridges are wonderful, the game itself sounds very fun, i gotta play this. send me an invite when im on ace.
The gameplay of Hijackman is meant to be simple, and requires a large, open field of play, like grifball. So, the only thing I could really spend my budget on was aesthetics-making it look good. The geomerged bridges form a giant "H A" for Hijack Arena.
Guys, dont rate a map when you haven't played it. If you actually play Hijackman! you'll rate it a 5/5. It is extremely fun and addicting. The gameplay may sound basic but it's genious. Hijackman is the first gametype of its kind.
Please go by what xR0ckNRollx said- don't rate this until you've played it with at LEAST 3 people. Then come back and rate it.
Wow this looks pretty good .. Its one of those good games which are fun and are always very epic in big parties .. I will soo download in my next big lobby attempt =] Good job!
Thank you! Hijackman's strength is definitely in bigger parties. The reason I changed it from 10 to 20 points to win from V1 is because my friend play V1 with a big party and the rounds ended in less than two minutes. =P
Kewl!! I less than three Choppers. And the bridges form H, A. Hijack Arena or laughing in ur enemies face.