This map looks like it requires honor rules. There are many spots where anyone can get out of, I recommend you making a v2 to where the map is not escapable. But other then that the map looks great. It has some good aesthetics, but the design is not so original. 3/5
I relize you can get out but really there is no need to so i would not expect people to try it. I think i will make a V.2 because alot of people seem to like my map. And i know the design isnt really original but i play this map the most and its really fun.
Try adding scenery or something to fill that open space; make some interlocked map geometry to make the players feel more forerunner and interested.
Looks like you took a good amount of time interlocking everything. The idea of the map is a good one, but i think the bottom floor lacks cover. Try adding more structures or cover to the bottom floor and this map will be great
this looks like a pretty well done map, i like the fence walls, and the interlocking looks really good, however it looks a little open. im sure youve already heard that though
8/10. good job... i don't think the ghost is necessary though. but i'll try it out and who knows maybe i'm wrong.