That bungie is going to be making some sorta grifball map with cool aestetics and make it look like a court. has any1 ever thought of this? maybe this could be our forge map. does any1 think this is a posibility? and just so you guys know..... i HATE grifball. just bungie loves it and so do A LOT of other people.
ya im not a fan of it either.. but think of how many people play it and stuff... its descusting.. but what else id bungie good for?
I guess if Bungie love it, they may. But I was speaking from a viewer of the Halo 3 Forum's standpoint.
yeah bungie are noobs at there own game. I watched the FH humpday and frankie was like q captain grade 3 or something. I think he was the highest rank out most of the people from bungie. If you have noticed bungie have a lot of close range weapons on there maps. More than usuall. They also give halo tracks bungie favorites a lot as well.
If they had to do something like that, they'd be better off making a race track or pure fooling around map.
ya i haveto be way wore then just bored.. usually i just jump around maps or forge when im bord... but i know some people that are completely addicted to it.. :-(
i know really. but id like that you could have the same sixe room as that part of foundry with new textured items and stuff.. but thats all.
I loved it, then got bored. But hey, they could make a permanant playlist for it. But that would stink, either the griffball arena's too big, or the new foundry is too small.
Oh no, don't even give Bungie the idea. I'd be such a waste of a map. The only thing that would be acceptable would be if it doubled for a bigger, outdoor version of Foundry. But no, think about it, making a Grifball map would mean it is only playable for when Grifball pops up in a double XP weekend, and that would be only one playlist. So I doubt that Bungie would ever make this, and Foundry is already a sufficient Grifball court.