The track looks somewhat decent im not sure if you used the money cheat or not if not great job with your supplies. somespots could be interlocked better and a few pparts possibly a little wider, idk about how good the gameplay is yet but ill give a 3.5, with some fix ups could be great map
looks a little sloppy and looks fun at the same idea. 4/5 for the interlocking and broken highway idea.
Looks great, I'm not that into race maps but It looks like there's a few too many obstacles in the 3rd pic.
Well......that was a REALLYYYYY REALLYY big influence right after i saw that track i made me think of this lol
Lol yeah thats what i dislike about most other maps ! Even the track doesnt look that appealing .. But it seems like a lot of fun to race on and i will download it later! Great job! =]