Download Zombies spawn in a "tank" made of containers which they cannot escape unless they lunge at humans. That is, if humans are stupid enough to get too close to the edge of the tank. Or god forbid... fall in! After three minutes, gravity lifts will push off any scaredey cats left on the platform. A crate will also spawn in the middle of the tank which will let the sharks escape. To make sure sharks can't escape but humans can, as well as other custom options, you'll need the"]Shark Attack game variant[/url]. (<-- clicky) Other than that it's pretty straight forward. Just an infection game. The more people the better but it works with as little as three. It's been tested with sixteen and is a LOT of fun. -AFTER making this map I found the Jaws map had a similar concept, so if you liked Jaws, you'll probably like this. Screenshots: (click to enlarge)"][/url]"][/url]
Hey this sounds pretty fun Although I wouldn't mind a little more clarifying description of the gameplay
This is one of the most creative maps ive seen on high ground, other than all the D-DAY landing maps, anyways great map and great gametype so keep up the good work man. (and check out the cloud with mastercheif flexing his muscels!!) :squirrel_hug: