thats the best remake of ascension anyone can make on foundry. great job. but i can tell were things got cramped
I can only say 2 words about his map: wasted life. It is freakin' awesome man! 200 hours?! The screenshots are awesome, looks almost the same as ascension. 11/10
what a beautiful remake. the towers look delicous i must say. there's only a couple things i can fret about tho... One: you dont die in you fall off. Two: size difference Three: BANSHEE!!! But anyway, you cant help those three things... theres no way to fix them. Good work, and some nice forging. well done.
I can empathize with you. I have also made a map that started in January. It ended after about 4 months. -_- Anyways, I agree. This has got to be the best ****ing remake of Ascension I've seen.
I agree, this is amazing, I'm rather disappointed in three things. That of which are not your fault. 1) No prism rotating thingy. 2) No Banshee >:[ 3) Crane always gets in the ****ing way... Anyways, amazing post good sir, and very good map, this is almost a competitive, but I can see how it need be in casual.
This is the best version I've seen I like how you even made the banshee bridge. Very well done especialy the main tower its perfectly recreated.
Are you serious, did it actually take up to 200 hours to make that map? It doesnt matter it is a very well done map, the interlocking is excellent, 5/5 for the hard work!
lol i guess this is the best it gets with asension remakes lol oooh well but this is cool but its missing the back base and the crane but its the best it gets.
Looks pretty cool. For some reason this map really caught my eye. I don't know if it was the flawless interlocking or the mindblowing layout?
This is by far the best Ascension/Tower of Power map yet. It is very impossible to remake Ascension acurately but this one gets the job done.
See it to believe it It's been a rewarding first week for me in distributing this map. I'd like to thank all of you who helped in the testing of the tower and for the wonderful feedback. I couldn't be more pleased! To all of you who haven't yet experienced the glory of Ascension in Halo 3, you can't get the best feel for a map by simply judging it's post. I didn't just make this map for the pretty picture, you know. If I just wanted it to look like Ascension, it would have taken half the time it actually did. The focus of this map is on playability as well as appearance. I worked hard to make every transition from spot to spot absolutely seamless. Never will you find yourself asking "Okay, where on Ascension am I now?" Don't believe me? Just try it out for yourself! You won't regret it. I promise!
Dont see it I dont see the ascension in it but if i played it i might, but i like how you obisly took your time to make this map and it looks like great fun. But where is that middle thingy.
I'll download it for 2 things: 1. It looks awesome and brings back memories of mine, too. 2. I feel back that it took a lot of time to make this map which wasn't even featured (yet).
Awesome Job man. The interlocking is flawless and smooth and the Tower itself seems perfectly proportional and accurate. This truly is the Best remake so far. On there is a Halo 1 and Halo 2 map database that is really popular. The guy put links to all of the maps on this one page. There are almost all Halo 2 remakes and Alot of Halo 1 remakes. If you want a lot of downloads for this map then talk to Soaringeagle which is the guy who started the whole database thing. If he likes the map. (which he will) it'll go to the front page. HERE IS THE LINK--------> CLICK ME
the best remake i have ever seen its flawless you could flip the boxes to make em smother i plan to play alot of tower of power games on this
Give this man recon lolz thats a good one. anyway this is really good but does not deserve recon even though i picked that option in the poll