heyy as you can see my name is Brain Hacker and i made a map my first offical called Broken Highway! I made a post about this map went away for about and hour and everything i made that moring and the night before were blown up: the post, avater, signature. wierd...so. on with the discrition This is a race map that going in a figuire 8 but you wont notice. I didnt till the map was done and finished. so start of with a classic RED-YELLOW-GREEN lights The you take a left turn and up this small jump onto the highway. After that you take another turn but this one has alot of interlocking. Then your hitting two small jumps OmFg the highway broke! ahhh make the jump but dont go to fast! Another turn leading into the courtyard! The courtyard, and you can see part of the anti cheat in the back And you probably wonder wat the....... was in the courtyard it was a CRANE!!!!!! DOWNLOAD HERE! any comments will be respected ty have fun race!
Looks great! Good job for getting post right the first time!! I'll check it out and get back to you later on it!
Here, I'll be honest, which other arn't. Your map doesn't look too appealing. Your pictures say that you map is messy and is easy to cheat on and you rushed your idea. I would suggest to fix it up and put mroe advanced object on your map.
Nice work dude, I really like your broken section its hard to pull off ive tryed before on a map when I was not so informed with forging techniques - Tryed making an area 51 infection map with a broken hangar - I failed.
yea i dont see the highway and 5th pic the bridges dont look that nice and shows it is messy so u should make a another like a fix it up
3.5/5 Some parts of the Racetrack are nice a clean while other can be really tight and lead to wrecks.
u said the lights were red, yellow, and green, they are actually blue, yellow, and red powerups, but wutev, i get the point.