here is my first map and game on the hub so give me some coments on how i could improve it the humans start here at the back of blue base with a magnum and the zombies start on a lowered platform under the blue base then after 45 seconds te grav lift spawns and the zombies are loose under the energy bridge there is a teleporter to a sanctuary to get to the armoury and the first base or go the alternate way, pick up the hammer and knock down the barrier and go through 1 of 2 teleporters the last man and a zombie fighting in the second base here is a link to the gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing here is a link to ther map : : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing MADE BY SPAZMONKEY92 AND TIME 2 PIE
Pics arent working. To get them working get your screenshots all together and save them to your computer. Then upload them to Photobucket or another image hosting site and copy and paste the embed code it gives you into your post. Hope that helps you.
Nothing personal, I just hate infection maps where all the power weapons are in one place- that's something noobs do. Nice effort, but I'd divert you energies to something other than infection if I were you.
The very first picture and the 3rd one is not working (don't know if it is for someone else) but if it is possible could you fix it? Although from all the pictures I can see it looks like a pretty cool map. I also like how you glitched out of the level.
Yeah, I think that everyone cannot see it. Probably is because you aren't hosting the images first and then uploading them. If not, don't listen to me.
Hmm I like the idea of the map and I also like how you made a base outside the map. I think it looks pretty cool with all the snow and stuff, and it's cool that you have the armory outside the map too. Very original. I would say 4.5/5 Oh yeah, he deleted the first and third pic.
Most of the pics are working but 2 are not. Anyways Ive seen many of these kinds of sort of "glitched out maps" but I like this one because the zmobies have to brake through the barrier. The reason why is because the hukmans can prepare while the zombies are trying to brake through. THe only thing I dont like about this map is that there could of been more glitches.
Some of the pics arent working but it looks good from the pics that are working .. Good job for a first try ..
wow i had no idea that you could glitch out from narows! and the map gets a 4/5 keep up the good work!
Great Glitching. Are you sure the Guardians won't kill you out there though? I think you should remove the power weapons and make a kind of maze that the Zombies must traverse to get to the humans. Then, you should give the humans snipers or something so they can try and stop them on their way. Good Luck!
looks like a great first map. i saw an area with a ton of power-weopons also called an armory. i hate armories, but it might work well into this game, i'll wait and try it out.
yea sorry i had 2 figure out how 2 put in the pics got it in the end thanks for the comments and i can c the pics but ill check it out anyways
this looks okay, but i think you need to make it more fair for the zombies cause a camper could just stay near the teleporter and wait