Well this is v5 of my map MLG Cleansing. Note: Most of the work was done by me but one of the corner bases was done by xinfamous2x. Weapons: BRx6 Carbinesx4 Mauler Energy Swordx2 (Unobtainable) OverShields (Unobtainable) Active Camo (Unobtainable) Plasma Grenadesx4 Frag Grenadesx4 Defensive Side Mauler Offensive Side Link to download Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy!
lol.... maybe.... Well if looks pretty hood.... There could definetly be a few adjustments here and there but overall looks good! Great job!
Looks like a good map but as skiwell21 said you could grenade jump to the swords...lol...no one would do that! Would they? Map: 4/5 Good map but could use a few adjustments like a more even wall-walk thingy on side b. Look in the picture and you'll see one is lower than the others.
Spawn points are like good manners,they cost you nothing but make you eveything if you look at any default map they will have about 50-60 spawn points to prevent spawn killing I dont really like mlg but your map looks well made and has a lot of spawn points so it should play well
But youll have to fix how the floors arent even and have big dropoffs. And also if someone is running around your game with a sword racking up kills, dont be suprised, people arent stupid.
Certain areas could be improved on (neatness on walkways, making the sword non-obtainable) but it looks like a decent MLG map to play on. Good work. 4/5
i like this map also the more respawn points the better you can not get respawned killed, and this is a cool map
the defensive side picture looks sloppy, but also, i sometimes grenade jump in a MLG game, that may sound retarted to do that in a game, but if u have good cover its worth it. for a v5 this seems more sloppy than it should be.
It looks like a ok map but, like we have all said the spawn points in a line are uneffective and may turn disasterous. the map looks good anyways.
on the b-side walk way there are places that you actually have to jump to instead of walk the gaps are so big. im also not a big fan of the overall design of the maps. the swords serve no purpose whatsoever. 2/5
For everyone saying that the swords are obtainable, they aren't. They're past the invisible barrier making them unobtainable. I have to agree with everyone on the sloppiness, though. Maybe you could fix it in v6. 3/5
this doesnt look like the greatest map due to it being a little sloppy and it doesn't seem mlg worthy. if it was neater and you added some stuff at the sides then i would say it was mlg worthy