Zomstruct: The Infection has arrived on Construct Download Map Download Zombie Hill Download Inoculation Description: Vast quantities of water and Zombies are consumed in creating even the smallest orbital installations. An Infection varient of Construct. Works for all game types. Created for infection varients.
need more of a story line. anyway nice map i guess. looks like it took 5 minutes to make, but a least it isnt foundry lol.
So what we can see from your pictures is what you have done to the map? Because its not really appealing right now..
It looks like you've taken Construct and spit on it. I mean that in the least offensive way but I dont see how this could work. The fact that all cover is accompanied with coils just seem like it will not work. It looks like it took about 5 minutes to create. I doubt a lot of thought went into this.
Pretty much when you make a map on a non-heroic or non-legendary map, you aren't "making a map". You are kinda just adding in some stuff. Same map, a little extra stuff. I see what you are going for here though. Map: 2/5
it kinda looks like you did all of it in 10 mins... im not going to download, not enough thing either 4/10
Well, this map's main (and possibly only) plus is that it's on a default map. Other than that, basically what every1 else is saying.