This Map Chute is a switch map into a map also don't touch the dumpster before 10 seconds or it will jitter around then kill you not straight away. This map is not made really to play on but you can with team slayer, mostly to show everyone how good a switch can be incorperated into a map and to show my new switch the dumpster kill switch. It is for both to play with and to actually just kill each other with the switch so you can do whatever you want Slayer or Forge. Link Artificier Link Pics
This looks extremely cool but I dont't quite get it. It's hard to understand the map from your description. Perhaps if you made a little more in-depth description I would understand. From the pictures this map looks really good . I guess I'll have to DL and find out what this map is all about.
The map really looks great....I want to try to the switch......I'm going to DL....i will let you know what I think after I play.....
i don't think that this is ment to be in the mini game maps sections i think that it would go under aestetics and i do like it good job on it
yeah please move wherever switches are put I don't really know, also thanks dumpsters kills are so funny especially when you are shooting someone and they walk into it and you hear them yell "WTF??? How'd I Die???"
basically the same thing the interlocking was great and the map looked cool, but i just couldnt understand it