
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Achilles ANK, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. Achilles ANK

    Achilles ANK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Author: Achilles ANK
    Size: Small
    Players: 2-8
    Preferred Game-types: Team Slayer, Two-Flag CTF, Two-Team King of the Hill
    This intricate map is based on a pyramid style design featuring four floors of combat and an interior chamber inside the structure. As you reach higher levels of the map the floor space decreases until the very top where a Sniper Rifle can be found (also note that a Teleport is located inside the large open box on the back wall of the Fourth Level, this ports to the interior chamber directly below). Power Weapons, Power-Ups and items are generally located on the centerline bisecting the structure on each level and within the interior chamber. Movement can be tricky and ambush hides abound, taking the higher levels offers a major advantage but floor space decreases as you move higher. It is advised that you take a walk around this map prior to playing on it, to become comfortable with its levels, passages and escape routes.
    Assault Rifle (4)
    Battle Rifle (4)
    Spiker (4)
    SMG (4)
    Mauler (2)
    Carbine (2)
    Sniper Rifle (1)
    Sword (1)
    Invisibility (1)
    Bubble Shield (1)

    Screen Shots:
    Overview of First Level
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Overview of Second and Third Levels with Fourth level in the Background

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Third and Fourth Level Overview
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Interior Chamber
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    View of Chamber from Sword Spawn
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Action Shots:
    Second Level BR Action
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Looking up from Third to Fourth Level

    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Fighting Up from Second Level
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    The View From Fourth Level Sniper Spawn
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Intense Combat on the First Level
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

  2. Achilles ANK

    Achilles ANK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A few nade spots were updated have a go at this one and let me know what you think.
  3. scantr0n

    scantr0n Ancient
    Senior Member

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    played a couple of times seems pretty cool. it kind of reminds me of the gears of war map that has the stairways and each team spawns on the bottom and the top. I like this more than the last map lions den because its a much more team based map and deals with strategy. this is one fun map that you must download
  4. Achilles ANK

    Achilles ANK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks scantr0n, glad you like it. Hopefully a few others will take a look as well because I agree I believe this map is superior to Lion's Den in many ways.
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Achilles, your nice post got me to download this map, but I'm sorry to say that I was a little disappointed by the map itself. It had a bunch of interesting features, but it all seemed rather random. Nothing really caught my attention. In other words, it seems like you didn't have a plan in mind when you built the map, but just kind of put stuff wherever as you went.

    I never actually played the map, I just flew around in Forge. Maybe if I played it I'd like it more.

    Like I said, it doesn't look like you had a plan in mind as you built this. If you didn't, try to have one in the future. I think you'll be more satisfied with the final result. If you did have a plan in mind, I obviously was unable to share your vision. Anyway, keep Forging, and keep making great map posts like this one.
  6. Achilles ANK

    Achilles ANK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm sorry you didn't care for the design. Actually a good deal of planning went into the map. The map is one face of a pyramid and as you move to gain the advantage of the high ground your play space is reduced. The map also flows well during game play and features an interior chamber that can be accessed via one way teleporter from the top level or via tunnels from the first level, this serves to create a circular flow of combat. I hope you'll play the map because it was designed for playability. Anyways thank you for taking a look.

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