Map Title: The Spot v2 X Marks The Spot Description: Sup everyone? This is my second map post here and hopefully not my last haha. This map was originally just for interlocking practice and a little geoglitching practice. The only objects i bothered to try geoglitching on were the 2 double boxes connected by a bridge in the middle. I interlocked a lot of objects but not all of them. The Spot is another 2 base map that has two X's in front of each base. It works well with the MLG settings. It features upper hallways and lower hallways(behind each X). There is an overshield that spawns in the middle under the bridge, but it starts to spawn 3 minutes into the game which can serve as a game-changer. For this map i used the unlimited money canvas as i finally learned how to use it correctly. This map would probably be best for 4-8 players. Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Capture The Flag Assault Screenshots: Base A Corner Opposite Angle Center Area Upper Hallways Sniper Alley v2 Changes: -fixed one of the X's -adjusted crooked walls -changed some spawn times -added more respawn areas -changed shotguns on top of bridges on each base to maulers for a more MLG feel -added sign A and sign B on top of sniper alley -interlocked window panels on each double box in center of map to use as a platform Download The Spot v2
This could easily be an MLG map or a variant designed for their gametypes but it looks well planned out and constructed, my one complaint is that the Double Wall X's are interlocked a bit on the sloppy side. It's not much so unless a lot more complaints are thrown your way (which I hope not 'cuz this is a great map!) I wouldn't go and make a v2.
ok, as soon as i saw this i thought "those X's are freakin sweet" nice job, and i agree with others, this could easily be made into a MLG map if you create a gametype and have the right weapons
this is a great map. it reminds me of an mlg type map. none in particular but yours is definitlely mlg worthy. like others have said the walls shaped X are a little sloppy but you've done very nice interlocking and geomerging. 8/10
Looks really nice but somewhat bare... Try adding a few random scenery objects and it would help this map a lot... Nice interlocking and such... But yeah just work on making it less bare...
Those Xs are good though one looks a bit off, and with the exception of them the map looks a little scarce of cover. This could be a problem depending on weapons; I already see a Sniper and Carbine so I'm thinkin more cover is necessary. Sorry.
im already workin on a updated version of this map now so far i: -fixed one of the X's -adjusted crooked walls -changed some spawn times -added more respawn areas the only problem i saw was where they end up respawning most of the time they only spawn in two different areas i added 3 separate respawn areas on each side but im not sure how they work any help?
This looks really professional, you should be proud for such an accomplishment for a "practice map" The symmetry is nice, and you seemed to have balanced the power weapons well. I really like the diamond in the middle made with wall corners, but you might want to consider putting a weapon instead of a powerup there. Just a suggestion.
Looks sweet, srsly. I like just about every thing about the map. I'm glad u fixed the walls & X's in ur update, cuz the one is really wonky.
nice interlocking and nice sign things with the walls. 5/5 fore not being that sloppy and fun gameplay
v2 is now up guys you can find the changes on the first post let me know what other improvements the map can use
I actually don't feel this map is bare at all. The geomerging is superb good job on that. The interlocking looks good as well. I like the wall doubles you made into X's 5/5
looks like everythings going ok from the downloads i was also thinking about changing the name of this map to "X-Factor" but it might be too much trouble for people who already downloaded it
ill give you a 7/10 until you elevate the center a bit i think this map could really be great with more height in certain places the edges of the map are nice but the center is lackluster
this looks like a pretty great map, i would like it more if it was more symetrical, but still good, 5/5