[UPDATED] Here's the deal. I suck at photo editing; in all forms. Here are my first [edit] TWO Photoshop attempts. I am aware that it sucks... so lets focus on constructive criticism (just messin around with my name) -------------- #2
Thanks Lockdownn. knowing you, I thought you would jump on this opportunity to publicly humiliate me. Lol, but I used photoshop: It was on my mom's comp. And about the sig... Fresh Plasma made it for me, so i guess he is into the pronunciation thing.
Haha... I know. *By the way, if you have time to make the pano. that would be awesome. If not, just tell me so i can post the wretched map already lol
why do you think it sucks, its rather nice. The text doesnt really suit too well but the rest is very eye pleasing.
Thank you linubidix I appreciate it... but it hails in comparison to what you graphic fools make. and Lockdownn, THANK YOU!
its awesome but like you can see the lines where the pictures come together. If those lines werent there it would instantly be on my maps front page. cuase it is beautiful
Oh yeah i forgot about those. I bet you LOCKdownN will have the same problem. Also, i'd like to make you a better sig but I need a good render and non-black and white.
hmmm.. maybe he will maybe he wont. oh and about my SIG... do whatever you want with it as long as it is a sexy bowl of spaghetti