Firstly this map is in progress it is almost finished however. -----------------------------------------rough detaila of the map and playstyle---------------- Humans are dropped in on a simple mazelike structure,they have to work together to eliminate the zombie infestation with minimal casualties. one human will take control of the unit by being on the sentry point warning the humans of approaching zombies and nearby supply points. Ammo is scarce and must be used carefully,supply points respawn and only the sentry will know when. there is one flamethrower that does not respawn and must be used withcaution. limited grenades and power weapons make for a less of a n00b style of play. [img width=800 height=600][/img] humans spawn here where they choose from one useful piece of equipment,decisions decisions [img width=800 height=600][/img] cant change your mind now buddy,you have zombies to kill [img width=800 height=600][/img] the "sentry" has a nice commanding view of the maze [img width=800 height=600][/img] suply points give vital ammo but do not respawn frequently [img width=800 height=600][/img] the deployable cover when used correctly can blcok off a passage buying you time to run [img width=800 height=600][/img] zombies spawn this side of the map and run off to slaughter the humans [img width=800 height=600][/img] nothing gets rid of zombies quite like fire....until the ammo runs out anyway ---------------------------------------more details---------------------------------------------------- humans have no motion sensor so the sentry is their main way of knowing where the zombies are. zombies have a wide range on their motion sensor so crouch walking is essential for human to get around "safely" since 75% zombies is not an option you will have to manualy set the zombies to roughly a ratio of 3 to 1 (humans being the one) zombies have 4 lives apice meaning the humans can win if they work together. each of the supply points contains -1 clip of br ammo -1 clip of shotty ammo -4 clips of smg ammo(2 guns) -2 clips of magnum ammo -a radar jammer for getting around undetected -1 frag and one firebomb grenade these items do not spawn together so each time you visit a point there should be something different. sentry has a low combat role but has a sniper with limited ammo,he can save his shots for moments that can save either his teamates or his own life. zombies have 500% damage resistance but no shields maiking them zombiish but no squishy. i am also gearing this map for neutral bomb,multi flags and team slayer what i am looking for is any constructive critisism,any suggestions and will be posting the link to download here when it is finished this plays a bit like an alien vs predator so give credit to HPssauce for cramming that nugget of info into my cranium
Re: Origonal(I think)Zombie idea :CONTAINMENT Please read this topic and edit your original post if you want people to pay closer attention to your creations. You could also use this template when posting maps. Peace // gorebound
alrighty i filtered out some of the pointless text,added some more detail along with emdedded images and i renamed it as i remembered containment was a map from halo 2 and people might think it was a re make.i also spell checked the original post as best i could.
oh okay, yup that was v gen idea- but hell, yours is more complicated (in a good way) mine was too complex. looks seriously beltin. love v sentry idea and the deployable cover idea too- u should encourage betrayels so everyones not just looking at v zombie and v shotgun infront but at each other too- hhmm surly he wouldn't kill me just because i have a shotgun lol
hurray first person other than gorebound to post and yeah the whole "hrm....that shotty looks mighty shiny"for the minute though its stunted because of my junior cert mock exams(i believe you americans have g.c.s.e's or something like that instead) however ill be finishing it once their over and we can all go on a traitor spree while the zombies sit back and sip lemonade. im not sure however just how much ammo to give the sentry atm hes only geting a clip every two minutes but gameplay might be as boring as watching paint dry for him so should i give him a bit more?or give it more often
If u put an image of where the sentry guy is positioned that would be helpful - or a better thought, add me on x-live and u can personally show me- your choice oh and btw - im from england, right exams wrong country lol - and yeah im at that stage in life too...
sounds good ill add you soon as i can but itll be after my exams,mum wont lemme on the xbox at exam time :S
lol, thank god, im not v only one lol- my mams a ***** sometimes too lol- probably for v besrt tho...
it doesnt make a differance if they can,no matter what part of the walls/boxes they re on the zombies can lunge em. im putting the grav down a bit anyway so that deployable cover thing works properly
i dont think so. pac man infection was more about the fact that it is the pac man map form the game. this is just a random simple maze ive made and it shouldnt play to much like pac man when im done with it,itll also support team slayer and other symetrical games once i get my head around all the spawn points
um...ok? no offence meant but ive never seen nor heard of your maze map so i cant really reply in any constructive way to that :S
i know only hope itll actually be ive been known to stop and move on before finishing something here HP im sending you a friend req since im on halo atm (hurray for weekend loopholes!)
sounds insanely good! we need pics please (please, don't give me an infraction for posting what others say) I hope it has good gameplay!