I was thinking how cool it would be if someone actually constructed a few levels from Halo for games of paintball. Here's one but I don't know if the levels are accurate: HALO: INSURRECTION - Scenario Paintball Games | YourNorthHills.com
Yah, people have created multiple paintball maps. Just wanted you to know so you don't feel bad when people flame this.
DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN USA!!!!. My cousin plays Paintball on a professional level, and he's alright at Halo aswell. I would've loved to gone to this with him lol. Wait till the UK gets something way cooler.
IDK what maps could be made for paintball. NOT lockout because of you dont want people to fall to death (LOL if you think im serious!) Maybe Blood Gulch Maybe Ghost Town Maybe Last Resort Hang Em High would be too dangerous Most likely Beaver creek
are you talkin about people build a foundry and then make custom crap for foundry so the can actually make a map in real life?
Idk Blakem0n92 has it right. I'm talking about building a replica of a Halo map that you could actually play a game of paintaball on in real life. I think you could build Midship without it being to dangerous as long as you put a railing on the third floor where the sword spawns. High Ground and Standoff would be cool.
Money + Obsessive Love of Halo Somebody out there must be rich enough and obsessed with Halo enough to make it happen. I would be very surprised if a real map wasn't under construction right now.
Yeah I would say high ground could work, standoff as well. Maybe Rats nest but not the outer rim just those room and bridge room.
Ivory tower would be pretty fun. But it would get tiring going up and down all day. Snowbound would probably be the best. Bases, caves, open areas. Sounds like paradise.
Oh yeah cuz it is possible to make a shield door. I was actually thinking the about the same thing except making it like virtual reality Halo and i figured the only way to do it would be to explain your situation to Bungie and ask them to make a map. Sanctuary might work though.
Someone's been watching too much tv and has lost his imagination. Ever work in a restaurant? When they have walk-in freezers, they have hanging strips of clear plastic that block air flow but still allow people to see through. You can push aside the plastic strips to walk into the freezer. It wouldn't be too difficult to rig something similar on a real-life paintball course. Or maybe a powerful fan that blows directly downward at that spot. The strong air currents would disrupt the trajectory of a paintball, but would allow easy passage of the players. It's easy. Use your brain next time.
Why no teleporters? LOL Oh BTW I love paintball, but playing on Halo maps would be stupid in my opinion. I like playing in the actual enviroment.