i think they should have elites in Swat because its no big deal. it is simply your choice wether you want an advantage not. In my opinion i see it as an effort to get more elite wearers.
This is so old. Adapt or don't play SWAT, its a crap playlist anyway. And even if Bungie wanted to ban elites, they've already stated that they would not be able to do so.
I don't understand this comment either. Are you saying that he is not a badass because he plays video games? If so, you realize that you are insulting yourself, right? I mean, you are here bitching about a video game. At least he's not the one complaining that something be changed because it's too difficult. Wah, I can't get any kills so they should take away Elites. Wah, I can't reach the cookies so mom should put them on the table.
Why dont you just change to elite too? I love team swat and i normally do change to elite but i can kill them the same as spartans .. Good idea though ..
alright randal stevens shut the hell up beecause nobody asked you. all u ****ing homos need to get a life and dont try to act cool by insulting me or any of my posts. if you dont like it dont read it. its really not that tough
what I dont get is, why dont you use the elite as well? Elites have there weaknesses too. They are easier to shoot from the side
Well really on my opinion that isn't really cheating...No matter in a game of team SWAT I think you still have the same chance of killing each other if your and Elite of not. Its all about being good, I myself never change (I hate the smelly dinosaurs that Elites are!) and I still average about 20-25 kills a game, although I also don't play much of SWAT...(I like MLG better) So I really don't think Bungie should ban the Elite nor should they ban SWAT... And if you still think that people playing SWAT are cheating all the time, then you change to an Elite, then it will be perfectly even, of maybe you just shouldn't play the playlist then?
i refuse to change to an elite beacuse i have dignity and want to win with out being a stupid elite. your saying if you can't beat em join em. i'm saying if you can't beat em, try harder
Not liking a post comes after reading the post... so yeah, that made no sense at all. And if we don't like a post, we give it -rep so here you go.
Isn't posting a thread about it basically asking the community at large, including Randal Stevens? Please do not flame others for disagreeing with you, some people may have been unforgiving, but swearing back at them achieves nothing. Also, do not use the word "homos" in a derogatory sense like that, or any homophobic language on the forums. This is not a prejudice community, stuff like that does not fly here. On to your post. I used to agree with you, I hated playing elites in swat, but since I didn't play that much swat it never bothered me too much. But having played around in swat more and more, I don't believe there is a significant advantage, certainly not one that warrants a ban on elites. The lack of motion trackers means you often catch people side on, and elites are alot easier to take down in these circumstances. I also don't find too much of a problem with headshots in a head on battle, stick to the solid center body shots and the head gets hit a significant amount. And with the 3 shot round of the BR, steady little strafed shots on the body will take them down. The head stands out a reasonable amount as well, and if you just adjust your headshot height and keep it steady, I've never found it too much of a problem. Its not something you get straight away, but its not as drastic an adaption as switching to bumper jumper for example.
Dude, Pegasi is so right! Other people have rights in this community and they can voice their opinions... Please watch your language as well because we do have some younger members in this community
"THIS GAME IS ABOUT HONOR, AND SKILL!" I love how self righteous you are about a video game. Honestly people can do whatever they want. Chances are if i met you in matchmaking i'd just tell you to shut up and ignore you. I can be an elite if i want to, and i'm an elite most of the time no matter what game i'm playing.
Wow, that's mean. By the way, if you don't like my posts, don't read them. Follow your own advice. Oh, by the way, I bolded part of it. If you don't like Elites in SWAT, don't play it. It's really not that tough. See what I did there?
If you have decent aim, it shouldn't prove an obstacle. I can headshot both spartans and elites with the same accuracy.
well i think the spartan and the elite should have the same general shape of a Spartans head just looks different so it would eliminate all of the advantages over a elite in swat.
yeah like their all hunched over in halo 3 and like in the game the arbiter is upright and in halo 1 they were all standing upright and not hunched over like some n00bz.
The Elite is hunched over like an old person. I don't like them just because of that. My friend doesn't like them because when they're turned to the side, they are a huge head target. I think that it is not going to matter as much when you consider the fact you are probably going to be looking straight at the enemy, and not somewhere else. I have no actual opinion in this, because it's what you prefer.