Complex V2 Created by Darkmaster949 Supports all Gametypes Best gametypes are Slayer, Team Slayer, and Golden Gun. Golden Gun is a remake of 007 Goldeneye's 'man with the golden gun'. the last man is the man with the golden gun and it takes him 1 shot in the head to kill the infected while the infected must try to take down the last man. when an infected player is killed they respawn with a 10 second invulnerability trait. Map Description Complex V2 is a remake/spiritual successor to Goldeneye's Multiplayer level Complex. This level was a fan favorite and was one of my favorite Goldeneye levels. There have been a few changes to the remake I have made of Complex. There are fewer hallways as I did not have enough boxes and walls to make and the attacker base is a bit different from the classic map. The weapon placement was all from scratch it is not the old weapon placements. Weapon List: x1 sniper rifle 120/1 spare clip x1 shotgun 120/1 spare clip x2 magnums x2 smgs x2 BRs x2 ARs Equipment List: x4 frag grenades x4 plasma grenades x1 power drain x1 regenerator x1 Active Camo x1 Overshield Asymmetric: x1 rocket launcher 120/0 spare clips/place at start no x1 bubble shield x1 machine gun turret _________________________________________________ an overview of the first floor an overview of the 2nd floor Special thanks to 007 Goldeneye for inspiring me to remake one of their great maps. Download Complex V2 Download Golden Gun
Looks like a very neat map and I think it would be very fun to play slayer on it... so I will lol. Great map I will try it!
forgot to mention ther's camo and overshield i edited that. the active camo is in the 7th pic (its not there cause in the screenshot i picked it up but it spawns there)
looks cool, a gd improvement and a good layout, looks detailed and fun even tho some things could have been interlocked, good job ill try and giv it a review once played
This is one of the best re-makes of Complex I've seen, I think some areas need a bit more interlocking to make the ground smooth in the sniper tower for example. I also think they're a few balance issues like the fact that a bubble shield spawns beside a power drain and the shotgun is fairly close to the sniper and rockets, and it's still missing my favorite part of Complex: the small "only accessible area by crouching" tunnel that would be right beside the turret in pic #5. Geez, you don't even give me credit for getting the idea AND making Golden Gun for you! P'sha! Lol just kidding 'bout the last part.
well im sorry the shotgun is close to the rocket launcher but the rocket is only asymmetric so its not a problem for slayer. and its not close to the sniper is almost across the map. and the bubble shield is on asymmetric so yes the 1 team has the advantage but in a game like 1 bomb or ctf. if by the tunnel by the turret you mean the camping hiding place that would be too cheap and if its something else then i cannot remeber it. nand i did tell people you created golden gun but i had accidently cut it to type something out. i've had plans for a V2 because there are a couple minor things a must fix however only if i find something real big will i make a V2. and a couple walls i will possibly fix to make better because i have gotten a bitbetter at forging
Hi. Awesome map. (what else you want from me that was short and sweet wait now its not crap.) psst. i'm not allowed to say anything bad about it cuz i know Darkmaster949 in real life.
too bad i never played 007 goldeneye multiplayer much. oh well, it looks like a fun map, clean and everyhting. 8/10
After a long, long period of time and a lot of thinking I have decided to make a V2.1 of this map. It will be 99.8% the exact layout however a lot more interlocking and cleaner. This will not be posted for a long time due to my Xbox 360 being gone at the moment and the creation of my newest map right now still in progress. I'm thinking Complex V2.1 will be up and running for tests in the winter of 2009 (January/February) and posted possibly a short time after.
Darkmaster, I know this is your post, but you really shouldn't bump your map like that. If you want to start a new thread about creating a new map, that's cool, but don't necrobump like that. Won't report you this time though =)
Wow it's called a little bit of respect man. I just wanted to let people know that I will make a better version of this map in a future post. Sorry if I bumped but geez let the moderators deal with it. I'm sorry for being a little harsh. It's just bloody F**king hell without an Xbox for 3 weeks now. Sorry again. EDIT: And I was going to delete this post but forgot I can't because I am warned so again sorry for bumping.