Map Title: Ruin By Os1res Download Map Description: Ruin is a Medium sized map made for slayer and team slayer...It has long range and close range weapons. A sniper tower provides high ground for the sniping type but keep your eye out for anyone with a powerful weapon fusion coils line the windows of the tower. I was bored so i added something near the invis hall (its not reachable but viewable). x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Spartan laser x1 Shotgun x1 Sword x1 Fire Gernade x1 Active Camo x1 Overshield x2 Flares x2 Spike Gernades x2 Assault Rifles x3 Bubble Shields x4 Frag Gernades x4 SMG's x6 Battle Rifles Front view of the sniper tower Inside the sniper tower The middle Area The shotgun hall The Invis hall
This looks like alot of the other maps i've seen, but it would still be alot of fun to play! The fusion coils could use some more detailed placement, perhaps a single coil on a floating platform outside of the tower whose explosion triggers coils in each of the corners of the tower? That would surely kill the sniper and it would look alot cooler and it would be easier to do!
its not a bad map. its very simple, a little to simple for my taste. perhaps if you added some moveable scenery to the map it would look nicer.
interesting map, maybe a little too open but besides that the map looks good. I like the bridge ramp and the sniper, looks good and keep up the good work