AZN's Tricks of the Trade [coming soon!]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ray Benefield, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I am currently working on a full blown forging guide. To include Forge Tricks, like the forging 101s and such... and basic forge tips, like spawn control, weapon balance etc. Here is what I have written so far, and yes there will be many more sections added. What do you guys think?

    Note: I realize that the Forge Tricks section will basically be all of the Forging 101s, but this is meant to be a standalone guide. Hence these tricks will be part of it. And also there is a little AZN spin on it. Oh and don't worry there are a few tricks that I keep secret and discover along the way that will be part of this guide.

    AZN’s Tricks of the Trade

    • Forge Tricks
    o Floating Objects
     Stacking
     Save & Quit
     Round Reset
    o Minimum Objects
     Instant Respawn Objects
     Random Spawning Objects
    o Overloading
    o Interlocking Objects
    o Unlimited Budget Glitch
    • Forge Tips
    o General Tips
     Golden Rules
    o Architecture
     Knowing your sizes
    o Aesthetics
    o Spawns
     Golden Rules
     Basics (Location and Direction)
     Area Selection
    o Weapons
     Golden Rules
     Weapon Specifics

    Forge Tricks

    In this section you will find all the little tricks that you can achieve while forging. Use these tricks to help plan/build your map. Do amazing things like float platforms in the air, make an object that instantly replaces itself when destroyed or even merge objects together to make rounder corners and interesting new shapes. Do you require more money than the map allows? Check out the newly discovered Unlimited Budget Glitch… and no, that does not mean you can have an infinite amount of an object just that you can use every possible object available for the map without being restricted to how much the object costs and how much the map allows you to spend. Another cool new trick is having objects randomly spawn in different areas every time you play the map. Get the most out of Forge by utilizing these Tricks of the Trade.

    Floating Objects
    So are you tired of playing on the ground? Are people standing on your receivers to block them, in an attempt to break your map? Do falling fusion coils make you happy? This is where you find the many tricks to make an object start, stop, or stay in the air.

    Stacking Method
    This is the simplest and most preferred way to make your stuff float. Stack objects up to the preferred height for the desired soon-to-be floating object. Place said object on top of your stack. Delete everything underneath the object. VIOLA! Your object stays in the air, right where you placed.

    (NOTE: The coming information refers to all other floating techniques as well as this one)

    There’s a slight problem… only some objects remain immovable while floating in the air. The current list of all immovable objects is as follows:

    • Sender, Receiver, and Two-Way Teleporters
    • Weapon Holders
    • Machine Gun and Plasma Turrets
    • Custom, Overshield, and Active Camo Power-ups
    • Single/Double Boxes (including open variations)
    • Walls, Double Walls, Wall Corners
    • Fence Walls and Boxes
    • Bridges
    • ‘A’ and ‘B’ Signs
    • Doors and Window Panels
    • Man Cannons
    • Gametype Objectives (Hill Markers, Goal Points, etc.)
    • Respawn Points, Starting Points, and Respawn Areas

    Any object that is not in the above list will fall whenever you start a new round, or touch the object. “Well what if I want to float something not on that list? Like maybe a Gravity Lift or Pallet?� Simple, put it on top of something else. Most use a teleporter or weapon holder in this case. They are the smaller and the least recognizable of the objects in the list; hence they are most suited for floating other objects.

    A variation of stacking exists, in the Halo universe. This technique requires a significant other (lol). Have said significant other hold an object, at the desired float height, in the air. Balance the object that you would like float on top of their object. When it is properly balanced, let go of it and let the objects sit for a few seconds. After the object settles, have your significant other delete the object they are holding. And again with the onomatopoeias… VIOLA! (Is that even a sound effect? Lolz…)

    This technique is a little less reliable. If you want your objects lined up properly in the air, I strongly suggest just regular stacking. However there are times when this is required. The main reason would be because the ground that you would be stacking on is not flat (Standoff terrain for example). Then this technique is ok to use, but balancing on other objects with a friend is still rather sloppy. There are other techniques that can be used to float your objects.

    Save & Quit Method
    This is an alternative to stacking objects. ALWAYS TRY STACKING FIRST! The Save & Quit Method requires more time devotion, and can be rather sloppy (requiring multiple tries to get perfect, hence more time). You may consider using this technique where terrain limits stacking ability, in places where stacking can’t reach, and at heights that can’t be achieved properly with stacking (like ALL the way up toward the ceiling in Sandtrap).

    This is very simple, but time consuming if used for many objects. What you must do is STOP, PRESS X, FIND SAID OBJECT… ok a little too specific. Go to the menu create the object you wish to float. Place the object in the exact location and facing the exact direction you want. Save your map and quit. Yep… that’s all. Simple, but not so elegant. Now think of doing this for about 10+ objects… perfectly. Yeah, not so appetizing when you think about it. It takes much time… but there is a similar way to do just this, without wasting too much time.

    Round-Reset Method
    This is another alternative to stacking objects. AGAIN ALWAYS TRY STACKING FIRST! This method will be used in pretty much the same situations as the Save & Quit Method, with a few differences. Use this when perfection is both quick and easy to obtain (such as pushing up against objects for alignment) or perfection is not necessary (which is rarely the case).

    This is slightly more complicated, and this is also another technique that requires a significant other. That significant other must be host. Now go to the desired area that you want to float your object. Go to your menu and HIGHLIGHT the object you wish to float… DO NOT CREATE IT YET! Tell your significant other to start a new round. When you hear the words “Round Over� create your object and use the few seconds remaining to place the object where you want it to float. At the start of the next round the object you created will be floating in mid-air where you had placed it.

    Something important I think all of you should know. Some objects do not work with this method. So far we have discovered that weapon holders and Respawn points do not work. And it seems that all of the newer Foundry objects work with this technique. This makes me believe that the older objects will not work, but I have yet to explore further into this technique. Special Thanks goes to MealonX for discovering this technique.
  2. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Yes this is a double post... bad AZN, bad.

    However the reason being is because this was in the staff forum. I moved it to see what the public thinks.
  3. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good. Add topics about setting up your map for many modes and using symmetry in this. Also add weapon balancing, making your map perfectly symmetrical, and what small variations you should include in "symmetrical" maps. There are a few other things you may want to add, but I can't remember right now.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So far so good. The more you can copy/paste from your brain the better off we'll all be.
  5. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Had already planned on Weapon Balance, I added the Symmetrical Attribute to the Forge Tricks Section. I will cover both Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Maps/Gametypes. Also I will cover Objectives and Multi-purpose maps in Forge Tips. Cuz I have little tricks that I use to make maps work for all gametypes.

    Oh and for those that don't know... The Round Reset Method has yet to be added to the Forging 101 Archive.
  6. Skull 134D3R

    Skull 134D3R Ancient
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    I am really looking forward to this, especially the part with the Forge Tips. I can barely wait! :squirrel_grouphug:
  7. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Also, don't forget to add the glitch for merging objects with the level geometry. That could possibly be a sub-trick under the Interlocking Object Trick...
  8. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I'm typing up the Minimum Attribute Section right now. Also this is in Word format... so when it's done I will upload it somewhere for everyone to download. But I still have ALOT to go. Give it a couple weeks. Oh and I'm on vacation the week after next, so it may delay me quite a bit. I just wanted a public opinion. To see if this is worth writing.

    And for merging objects with geometry, that should probably get its own section. The method to do it is quite different from interlocking. But I might make it a sub section. I will decide when I get to it.
  9. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Sorry for the double post, but something else just occurred to me. Will you be able to "click" on the index and go straight to the trick/tip without scrolling? If not, consider modifying the paragraph spacing, Header Font/Size, or something else to make for easier navigation.

    Just saw the your last post. Its definietely worth writing. Take your time :)
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Don't worry... I'm a programmer I know how to do that in word... that is the final format that it will be released in. I'll keep you guys updated on how far I am as I write the different sections. And trust me the format is ALOT different in word. I was just lazy converting to BBCode...
  11. Elba Jayba

    Elba Jayba Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Coolio! Can't wait to see the rest of your post.! :squirrel_jaffa:
  12. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great diea azn.

    i suggest u put this topic at the top of the page. the topics with the grey background. i thinks its grey. otherwise this topic will disappear
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    arent most of these Forging 101s? :squirrel_eyebrow:
  14. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Alot of these are in Forging 101 but this could really help people.
  15. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    And also... Forging 101s don't cover game theory and proper recommended techniques, like location and direction of spawns. How to make things look pretty and tricks to do it. Basically Tricks is for 101s, Tips is just recommended ways to build a map that make it better.

    This is something that I want to be available for BNet users as well. Not just FH users...
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ah aight cool...uh go on? lol
  17. Killer678

    Killer678 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I just learned the 4th floating method thanks.

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