Hey. Most of you have probably read Bungie's latest Weekley Update. If you have, you'll know that Luke, upon being asked, posted a sketch of the new map in development, Purple Reign. Just thought I'd post it here. Here is the sketch: Plus, check out some of the features: 1.Grav Lift 2.Barrier 3.Possibly a door 4.Stairway/Ramp Nothing huge, just thought it was interesting.
thats cool but i can hardly tell anything from the pic aside that the map will have a purple based theme color. "Purple Regin"
this was my guess as to what it was gonna be. those purple room type things in halo 2 that are connected by bridges? they are mostly circular with the inside sort of like midship only different. does anyone know what im talking about? i remember in the level the brutes are fighting the elites
I think 4 is more of a ramp, just with a detail like that. As for the actual sketch, it's just luke taunting us :irritated: Damn him! We'll have to wait till PAX till they release anything... and I want to go, just so I can kick his ass in Halo for taunting us like this, and getting recon for my efforts.
to me this looks incredibly like the outside to Gemini... but then again, my memory of alot of halo2 sucks.
#1 looks like one of the teleporters from cold storage...I don't know though. The 4 things you listed could be anything, but #4 does look like a ramp.
the 'grav lift' kinda looks like water to me and the 'barrier' kinda looks like a tent but u could be right for both
I very much doubt they will remake gemini, as it wasn't a lot of people's favourite. the map looks a lot like what I thought it would. If the space on the left is clear air, I will be very happy, as it most likely won't be midship.
I didnt say it was Gemini, i said the teleporter looks like the ones on Gemini, with a little alcove for it.
To me 1 looks like the cold storage teleporter, and the diamond directly in front of your player looks like a trap door.
I'm kinda tired of them making remakes... Not that it changes anything for me, since I never had Halo 1 or Halo 2. If only it existed for the N64.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QA621bPU18
Wow, I can't believe none of you see how much this looks like Midship. I think the middle section was purposefully left out of the drawing. Number 4 seems to me like a recreation of the blue ramps above the Carbine room.