STALEMATE Created by IMPERIUM VII Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer CTF KOTH Assault Oddball Map Description Inspired by the horseshoe design of avalanche except stalemate is less vehicle centric. Vehicles- Warthog x2, Mongoose x4 Weapons-Shotgun x2, Sniper Rifle x1, Needler x2, Rocket Launcher x2, battle rifle x4, carbine x2, Plasma Grenades x6, Fragmentation Grenades x8. _________________________________________________ Sniper Tower and Overshield Base A Rocket Tower Other pics _________________________________________________ HAVE FUN AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE! Download STALEMATE
i like the side A and nice use of warthogs... alos something could be mad in the last pic in middle and a little open but it is a good balance map
Well I think this map could be amazing if 1. You interlocked 2. You turned your bridges over 3. Added more stuff to make it less bare Once you do those and tweak it some I think it will be a great map!
This looks it would be really fun to play on. However, I dont really like how you have those for weapons lined up next to each other in the bases. It reminds me too much of an armory. Other than that this looks like a great map. 5/5 and a DL from me!
If there was some more interlocking here I'd consider a DL, but this just seems kind of plain. Nothing really innovative or special. That doesn't mean it's a bad map, it just doesn't really break any ground for me. 2.5/5
the bases look sorta open. im not sure im liking this map. nothing is really fused. but i like the idea.
i could have swore this was post a while back. it was too plain or empty or something. i dont know. i'm still standing by my previous rating of a 3/5
I'm not getting the feel of this map. If there was some interlocking, some geo-merging, etc, than I'll download, but this isn't doing it for me. I like the concept, but, that's the only thing going for it, is the concept. I give it a 3/5 for originality, but it's lacking some key features. Great job though, you put forth the effort.
I like the idea but, the way it's presented is sort of...boring and not that tidy. Maybe you could interlock some stuff and add more cover unless you were going for that mountain type feeling. With the raggedy edges and stuff. Yeah. Ok. Map: 3.8/5
Not very clean. It looks like it is more of a target practice range for playing against vehicles. 2/5
I don't know about the emptyness, if it is more cluttered the vehicles might not be able to work on the map. Just an idea.