This remind me of the golden days of Beaver Creek on Halo:CE. Great job, on the interlocking. I also like the idea of the single boxes merged randomly into the ground.
Looks great. Very neat interelocking. The only thing(This isn't your fault) is how small it is due to FOundrys cursed Tiny-Ness
Looks like a very clean, well made map. I love your interlocking and I also like how the map has its own feel to it. Great job!
Me likee the creek and the water fall, really nice touches! Makes me think of a Valhalla-esque style map, only made of steel and iron instead of grass and dirt. But still, this looks cool!!! I'll try it out.
looks really cool i live how you used the shield doors to make the waterfall and the river. very cqb you might need more cover.
sha-weet looks fun, a cool way to use "water", thatlooks like it will actually positively effect gameplay. By the way, is this map named after the city Walnut Creek?
Try playing this map with more than 8people it gets realy chaotic! But good job on the map paulie i still think its to small though so 4/5
Look like a cool map 5/5 well made, i like the river and the waterfall in the middle that always make a map look cool. Gamplay looks fun. Good job Keep Forging!