umm what? im assuming you didnt actually play on it did you? seriously ask anyone who has played on it there is plenty of cover and yeah i concentrated on layout and interlocking, thats kinda the whole point to a map so i really dont know what your post is getting at care to clear this up?
I like the sound of that moveable merging - can you PM me on how you did that please? I'd love to incorporate that into one of my maps.
yeah it is a really helpful thing to use when making lifts, because the grav lift goes straight up defaultly, unlike the man-cannon, but its destructible, but if you put it under the level, noone can destroy it so it becomes permanent! haha i love the glitches on foundry
this map is legit, good merging and near perfect gameplay. i guess being a tester helps you know what a map needs, right buddy
thanks, im glad you like it, but the v2 has alot of changes, all of which will improve gameplay. it should be posted within the next week.
Not a bad map. One thing worries me, though. I see no action shots, and it looks like a map with a few different aethetic "stations," and there really isn't any proof you tested the gameplay of the map. How does it play?
yeah, i know i dont have any action shots, but i didnt want to bother with taking them when i started working on the v2. Its been tested, alot. just go find it in the testing forum. the gameplay is very fast, alot of "where did you come from, and how did you get here" moments.. one bomb is personally my favorite on this map, and one flag will be epic in v2! if you have more questions you can PM me or post, it doesnt matter to me anymore due to v2 coming out.
nice map pigeo. i like the asthetics tower it looks really cool. the sniping towers were a nice adition too. great job. and also the picture of the sword spawn. it looks like there is a lift built in. message me if yes please.
im very much surprised with all the maps ive seen this is the first time ive seen the stairs x merged like so. The map looks good.