*First post, be gentle. lol Also, I am available to create any size "slide show" animation for high quality (read "well made") maps. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Babel is designed for two team slayer, but is capable of handling FFA and other game types. Action is fast paced and intense, all centered around a 3 story complex. Second floor contains two lifts that require a little timing to make it up to the third floor. Weapons: Assault rifles in locker rooms Multiple BRs 2 Carbine 2 Maulers 2 Bruteshots 2 Spikers 2 SMGs 1 Needler 1 Rocket 1 Sniper 1 Energy Sword 1 Shotgun 1 Spartan Laser (Not easily attainable) 1 Gravity Hammer (Not easily attainable) Multiple frag and plasma gernades and 2 spike Equipment: 2 Regenerators 2 Bubble Shields 1 Power Drain 1 Overshield Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Welcome to forgehub and what an amazing map you have there. I love towers and structures of this sort so you def have my DL. great job. 5/5
Wow! Looks amazing! Great Interlocking and tower structure! To be honest I came in here thinking this map would suck but I was definetly wrong! Great Job, welcome to ForgeHub and Happy Forging!
looks cool but some parts in the map could use some more cover. there are open areas around and by the regular foundry spawns.
This looks pretty good, I'll give it a DL. My only concern is the open space at the ends of pictures #2 and 3. That area looks boring and open, and while it's not the principal focus of the map (the tower being so), it still could use some other stuff in there. 4/5
Thank you for your replies. I had difficulty setting it up for asymmetrical game types (one flag, one bomb). Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I will update it for better play on those types. Th Kn1ght: It is always nice to be surprised sometimes. I am working on another map, so keep an eye peeled. Saint Prodigy and Vodelhaus: The space is intentional. I used it to provoke quick action and make those areas less appealing strategically. There are neutral spawns throughout the map to eliminate spawn kills.
Stairs When you are running on the main floor is their any other way up besides the 2 stairs? The map looks very clean and I like the slide show. 3.5/5
There are stairways on each side and the rear (at the power drain), or a well placed nade makes for quick entry (but leaves you very vulnerable.)
this map really catches my eye in some way i cannot explain but i don't think the gameplay would be that good on this map no offense
This is a great map, I especially like the central tower part. That is just amazing. I will definitely download this and check it out. Great job, 5/5 from me.
Looks fun and interesting. Parts of the map do look uncovered though and could make for easy pickings for the sniper. Map: 4/5
None taken. However, gameplay is actually pretty fun. Particularly slayer (FFA or team). It is fast paced and difficult to dig your heels in on any one spot on the map.
The sniper spot is not well covered, either. I have some excellent sniper friends that couldn't hold the tower in FFA. To all, I appreciate all your input. It gives me a feel for what others enjoy in a map, so I am not relying on just my opinions.
Welcome to forge hub. We're glad to have you with us, and we hope you enjoy your stay. The map looks pretty good. I like the towers. However, it needs some more cover on the upper levels, and maybe you should block off those two side rooms. They seem a little empty.
In play, the second level exterior is very fluid and line of sight is (surprisingly, even to me) easily obstructed. I have address the third level and open start locations to other posters. Thanks of the input, keep an eye out for another map from me that provides more of a close quarter feel.
pretty good looking map. for some reason i looks good without the interlocking on some of the boxes, but maybe it could have been used...i dont know, good map though