Debate Abortion yes or no?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Roche178, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    It must be a horrible feeling extiguishing a life
    or knowing that your so selfish as to sacrifice a life

    XERAXES Ancient
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    It's her body and it should ultimately be her choice. If a woman doesn't want to have to go through 9 months of pregnancy and birth, then she shouldn't have to. The fetus doesn't count as a human being until it is born. They're simply tissue, they can't even feel anything until the third trimester. I believe there should be some limit to when she can have an abortion (because of the sheer stupidity of waiting so long), however the gross majority of abortions take place in the first trimester and beginning of second trimester.



    Willmatic and Draw the Line like this.
  3. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    right so she shouldn't have sex, thus circumnavigating the entire problem.

    Also in response to your "image" sperm have potential, however until conception it is much like potential energy.

    basically a sperm might become a human, a fertilized egg will (baring extremely rare cases)

    XERAXES Ancient
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    There is no reason for a woman to not be able to have an abortion because some people believe that the tissue in her body is more valuable then her rights. And not having sex is a sad argument, and obviously it's not going to hold up.

    And the sperm picture was more of a joke. However your definition of "potential" is flawed because the word simply means having the capability. Not whether it may or may not happen.

    Also, people here don't seem to be able to grasp just how much pregnancy can interfere with a woman's life. If the woman is single and basically supports herself, gets pregnant, and is unable to have an abortion, then she's ****ed (pun not intended).
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I probably said this before but just in case:

    Abortion, in my opinion, is wrong. When you have sex, you should know the consequences. It's not like a girl just wakes up one day and is pregnant. They made a choice to have sex and now she is pregnant. That's their own fault and they probably should have thought of that
    #65 Norlinsky, Jul 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2008
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    No offense, but mostly everyone here is a man. We have no clue how birth can effect women, physically and mentally (tearing anyone?). We don't know all of the horomonal changes that effect them during birth. Abortion isn't just a life or death topic, its far more complex.

    Are abortions wrong? Its up to the individual to decide. Religion has really clouded this discussion. I have no problem with people being religious, but its when those opinions are forced upon me that I have a problem. Not everyone shares the same moral values, and we shouldn't be forced to.
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    XERAXES Ancient
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    Personally, I have pretty good experience with what it's like because I had to help out some of friends and family when they'd become pregnant, I remember one of my cousins, (who was married) got unexpectedly pregnant, and if she hadn't gotten an abortion she would have been screwed. Both her and her husband worked and if she hadn't gotten the abortion, they would have ended up losing a big percentage of their income for too long.

    The whole abortion discussion has become pathetic. It's filled with uneducated claims and ignorance. In fact the complexity of pregnancy has been dumbed down until it's basically a 2 dimensional problem that is almost completely surrounding the baby, and not the mother.
  8. myonlydetriment

    myonlydetriment Ancient
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    It's a general woman's right to not have a baby she doesn't want to have.

    You can't just reject that because it can be considered murder of a developing, living human.

    And don't bring your "BUT DETRIMENT, THEY CAN JUST NOT HAVE SEX!" Abstaining is also a choice, if she doesn't abstain but also doesn't want to have a child at this point in time, then she can abort it if she wants to.

    Personally, as an anarcho-capitalist? I believe that the government shouldn't decide things like this and it should ultimately be a choice for the pregnant woman.
  9. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    everyone is entitled to their own opinion. just like religion, go ahead and believe what you believe, but don't shove it down my throat, or in this case, do the whole picketing thing and shove icky pictures of dead babies in my face. people who think its wrong are conservative pricks.(not all of them though) but thats who they want to be. but you know you'd do the same thing if you got pregnant and weren't ready for it. you guys keep saying "your killing babies for your own selfish reasons".....thats kind of annoying because you know what, not everyone just ****s, and gets abortions like you may think. most of the time, the person who gets pregnant, as much as they would love to keep the kid, cannot afford it, or have no way of taking care of it, or have a life planned that didn't involve a kid at that point. it may be a bit selfish from one point of view, but to me thats saving the kids life. id rather have the kid grow up happy and healthy, then to be born under bad circumstances having the mother and/or father struggle to not only take care of themselves but the kid as well.
    Pegasi likes this.
  10. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Here is a map that shows what countries define abortion as illegal.
    Because of this, the parent may try Unsafe Abortion, which is any abortion not practiced under generally accepted standards of sanitation and professionalism.
    Also, I feel that if getting an abortion can prevent the child from a miserable life, then do it. And if you feel that adoption can solve this, then go for it.
    Most adopted children do better in the real world than those with their parents and average a higher GPA.

    If Bill Gates got an abortion, it'd be 100% selfish.
  11. PaperThinWalls

    PaperThinWalls Ancient
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    What if she was raped? =/

    I'm Pro-choice. If the woman feels the best option is to have an abortion instead of say adoption then it's her choice.

    XERAXES Ancient
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    The terms pro-life and pro-choice are bullshit.
    No one is "anti-life" or gets a kick out of abortions.
  13. monk sausage

    monk sausage Ancient
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    No you let the baby live just put it up for adoption... in my opinion abortion is very wrong and the way they do it is a little, sorry to say, but ****ed up
  14. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Its a touch question ..
    Many people say no but if the parents would be bad parents then i guess it could be ok but they could just adopt the baby ..
    But i agree with many people in the thread .. I think it is murder and should be banned ..
  15. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    My baby-niece was born really early, abortion should only be allowed from 2 weeks, or less in my opinion, any later and the baby looks more and acts more like a baby.
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Some people don't show signs of pregnancy until 4-6 weeks in.
  17. INTPsmith

    INTPsmith Ancient
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    I cannot weigh one life against another, but I would say yes as a thinker.
  18. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
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    i say let people get abortions
    like everyone is saying what if they were raped?
    and i know murder is murder
    but, i personally believe that people should be able to choose if they want an abortion or not
  19. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Abortion is totally wrong It is Murdur!
  20. E93

    E93 Guest

    You wanted to have sex, and you still did it without a condom.
    Here's your consequence, deal with it. Taking away a life because you didn't want to have a baby is wrong.
    Next time, be more precautious, or don't even do it at all.

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