sorry... no im working on yours ive been sorta neglecting my duty.. and i got obsessed with combat arms EDIT: scorpulus heres yours, i will be adding a recent creation picture up there. oh and i dont do good with halo ones.. this is what you meant by a rogue cheif right? at first i was looking for bandits lol
Custom rank request: Color:Lighter Blue(you choose) Background image:Computer or photoshop Text:Sig Maker
hmm photoshop? how bout a camera? or a... laptop or desktop? and heres homieg's: and if you want the mapmaker one i can make that a little later. il just use a different forge monitor picture
alright. just so you know i know nothing about BMX so it might not turn out as intended. monster, i made two, you can choose which one you like more:
OMG thts drinking amazing! and yes i do mean drinking. U r teh best custom ranks guy evar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Knight and I do want the mapmaker one. And can I have the link to the forge monitor render you are using. Because I want to use it in a sig I am making for jedi eli and our group.
ok. il just flip it ok? so the forge monitor is facing the other way. and i have added you all. sorry for being slow but i have a bunch of appointments i gotta do..
lol your welcome.. but your sig is way too large.. look at the rules for signature regulations. just so you know thats 400x150
ok astronum, heres yours. i know you didnt request the text and face to be off-center but i thought it looked better:
That looks great but do you mind resizing the smile into the Grey stripy area, and the center the face, it dose look ok off the center but i'd just prefure it ^_^ and the Text, and if you can make the face slightly lighter, sorry if it's too much Thanks
That looks Brill but i see what you mean about the tounge, ill just keep it as it is unless there is some way of moving the tounge around