Wtf, has this always been here, cause I only realised it today. It was on Last Resort btw, never noticed it before =/.
whoa! I thought that was a random nick-name coined for that base. I had no idea that there was an actual plaque on Last Resort. Where abouts is it located?
It was always the nickname for thespot in Halo 2 Zanzibar so they added a plaque to Last Resort in the designated area. Someone isn't very observant.
It isn't exactly the same, but it was there. The story to how it got the name "Camp Froman" is fairly interesting. In beta tests of Halo 2, Luke Timmins, engineer at Bungie, aka Froman would camp up there with the sniper rifle all the time. People then would get pissed about it. That's basicly how "Camp Froman" became "Camp Froman." For those of you who don't know...
very interesting... i never would've know that. anyway, it's always been there, your just a little late lol. but i didnt notice it the first time i played last resort either, didnt find out til like a couple months after halo 3 came out and i ducked for cover while sniping, and i got a little camp froman surprise.
don't you ever hear people calling out, "Enemy sniper at camp Froman!!!"? I've known this since halo 2.
Some of you guys have never noticed this? Wow, I thought everyone knew about it. It was probably the first thing I saw when I got Halo 3 and played on Last Resort. I never knew the story behind it, though. I'm glad Bungie made the plaque look a little more better in Halo 3.
Wow I just popped in h2 and it was weird playing Zanzibar because the Graphics are horrible compared to H3... Saw the sign in both though... Very strange
You know what? I never knew that was there either. But hey, this is Forgehub. Shame on you people. Matchmaking when you could be forging. Then again, you might just be forging on Last Resort. But I haven't seen a map on Last Resort since Tunnel Raid. And here I go on a rant again. I'll stop now.