My apologies if this has been pointed out previously. In Bungie's 1/18 update, they have this to say about the forthcoming patch and how it will address the melee bug: "One of the other fixes we’re looking at more carefully, is a gameplay tweak. Melee has certainly worked in Halo 3, but seen more than its fair share of criticism. We’re working to remedy some of its actual flaws, and perhaps just as importantly make aesthetic changes to some of its apparent flaws." ... Does this absolutely terrify anyone else? That last sentence sounds a lot like "We're going to change the animation triggers so that even when you melee someone first, we can still do our health-based calculation and make the 'winner' appear to melee before you." I hope that I'm wrong, but when they start talking about "apparent flaws" that sounds kind of like they're saying they should have just covered up the problem better in the first place. I for one hate the melee system in 3 - I can count on losing about one kill per game on Live or LAN thanks to this (and thanks to my play style, which often relies on having quicker reflexes than whoever I'm fighting with in close combat).
I really haven't noticed anything wrong with the melee, but I've seen videos clearly showing it. But in the AU1, I'm hoping to get immunity to assassinations, and some other stuff like that.
I notice it constantly just because of how I play, and how my friends play. This is a ridiculously common occurrence in our games: 1. Player X and I notice each other across a semi-open area. 2. We both start rushing each other, firing assault rifle or battle rifle. 3. I melee while player X is still shooting. 4. Player X melees. 5. I end up a corpse, and he waltzes away with no shield. This frustrates the hell out of me; I'm basically penalized for having quicker reflexes and a better understanding of how much damage I have to do to him before the melee will kill (answer: not a lot). So I'm always in "melee-first" mode when it comes to close combat, and if his reflexes kick in half a second later, he wins. I understand that they're trying to compensate for lag, but that opens up two questions in my mind: 1. Why not allow the two players to kill each other, if they're going to do it this way? Why always determine a winner and let that player walk away? This seems like the worst way to handle it. 2. Why do it the same way on LAN or split-screen as they do on Live? No internet = no lag, at least in theory. I wish they had kept the old melee system in place for non-online games, which worked just fine as long as there was no lag.
hopefully it will fix it...about 7/10 times im faster and that results in my death.. :squirrel_wtf: im also very melee orianted
If we punch at the same time, sure. It would be a better system than the health-based thing because if they're trying to compensate for lag, the quicker player is actually somewhat more likely to lose than the slower player. I'd rather we both died than that I died and he walked away, just because I was quicker (but slightly more wounded). That's just made of fail. In my ideal world that will never happen, they would have two systems in place. In one, it's purely based on speed; whoever punches first wins, if the victim has low enough health to die. This is pretty much how it worked in 1 and 2, and how it should work now in a lag-free game (i.e. splitscreen or LAN). In the other, they can do their lag-compensation stuff, but just don't base it on health. Give the two players an extra half second or however long to get off their last melee/grenade/whatever. If we both melee within half a second, we both die. But even if it worked the second way all the time, I'd take that over how it is now. The current system is really broken.
Melee system doesn't really bother me, I just kill them before they get close enough Noscopes ftw? :squirrel_jaffa:
Ehh. I've had some pretty bad melee deaths happen but I don't really mind it all that much. It gives the game character. Both ending up dead as a result of punching each other seems a bit ridiculous in my opinion.
I think the main problem is a delay in animation or something. Because its seems like you melee first but really he melee'd first but didnt show the animation till when you did it,
Ok im confused, what are the major problems with mele, someone has to point out ALL the flaws, not just the ones that make you angry, and also it kinda seems like your all whining.....
I remember that Achronos, a "web development engineer" for Bungie, also the " Overlord" , gave an excellent explanation. I don't remember it all but I remember he said the system was predictable. He said the system was set up so that during "simultaneously" (spelled terribly wrong) melees it picks the winner based on health. I may have misinterpreted some of the things he said though. I'll try and find some quotes if I can.
You guys do understand once this comes out most glitches/bugs that we have been able to do will most likly be gone. -Donuts
Hopefully not, but you may be right. Remember when they took out the sword launching and sword canceling from Halo 2? Hopefully they will just tweak matchmaking, and leave our Forge alone. Leggo my Forge!
I want to get all my ideas done before the update because they said that maps done before will not be altered (oh crap that also means things will change). I dont like this I could care less about commando shoulders. -Donuts
the melee up until now has been based on health, so when you melee someone and they melee (either slightly early or late when compared to your melee) the winner is decided on solely because of the compared health remaining. there is also an animation glitch which causes it to look like you hit him first and he ends up taking no damage while you die (this only happens if the melee would kill in one hit) there is also a glitch which causes a melee-er to deal damage when they would normally be killed instantly by the shotgun, so pulling a bulltrue on an ordinary melee is in fact harder than when attacked with the sword to accomplish
being the MM monkey i am, i want this auto update, but then i dont, rember the beta? gameplay was hella fun, sniper felt perfect, melees worked, and now the effed it up in halo 3, i hope they fix it and make halo 3 multiplayer worth playing much more. Fixing known glitches only leads to more glitches.