The point of it is to be zombies. You're supposed to get lost. It replicates what it would be like to walk the streets of a middle eastern town. I personally hate maps where everyone is in a base or hiding in a place with tons of weapons (armory). This map spreads everyone out, and disorientates humans.
yeah i agree that it looks good, but i'll probly not DL it because i don't need another map like this. 7/10. also posting a specific gametype is always a good idea, just leave a note about party size and such.
you're right. This map would be amazing for infection!!! Otherwise, I can't see this map being useful for slayer or CTF or KOTH. Oddball, maybe. But that's okay, seeing as the map is only designed for infection. You could use some more defining elements to this map as well. Obviously if you're building after a small middle-eastern village there isn't going to be a skyscraper or giant obelisk, but if you spruced up some of the buildings with some extra pizazz this map could really stand out. 3.5/5
No D/L because there's already alot of maps that are towns or whatever, though it does look good. Edit: 100th post
Again, this was my first map so there's no interlocking. I don't know why this is suddenly getting posts after like months of none. This was my first post ever, look at how many I have now. Yes, I have gotton better at interlocking, geomerging, and using switches.
Even though this was your first post the map looks pretty awesome and really fun for Casual, because of it's mazelike layout.
this is an awesome first map. I could see "Fear lurks around every corner" sink up with this map. 5/5