This I am hoping is going to be one of the best cops n robbers maps out. (yeah I have some pretty high aspirations) but really it is massive and has so many features and detail to it. download the map download the gametype Story: Crime city was renowned for it's huge crime levels and lack of police to stop it. The city had no economy, no government, it was just a case of steal your way to the top. After many years of this being allowed the goverment finally stood forward, and arrested, killed, and banished everyone in the town. In the place of a huge criminal mansion, A massive prison holds the last few survivors, where they lay in wait, for there moment. The prison itself consists of 5 areas, not counting crime city. A main area consists of -5 cells geomerged all the way to the back of the wall. -A flare behind a pallet. -Stairs leading to the toilets and exit . -A doorway to the cafeteria. -A one way door which can be opened only by a firebomb grenade from the cafeteria. Cafeteria consists of -Two tables -A bar with a firebomb grenade which spawn after 30 seconds. -A fridge (dumpster) which will give access to a small amount of the roof. Toilets consist of -Two open toilets and one closed, far right toilet has a secret passage to the roof and the central toilet has a passage to the back of the jail and the other "locked" toilet. Reception and armory consist of -Stairs leading from the one way door. -Armory contains four battle rifles, four SMG's and four shotguns as well as a hidden rocket launcher. -Gravlift behind reception desk which opens the main door. The jail roof consists of Not much except a sniper tower and a secret way into the reception. Crime City consists of Lots of small alleys and buildings. Three mongooses, a warthog and a chopper A brute shot and beam rifle Active camo behind a barricade door openable most easily by a mongoose. Now for pictures! There is alot to show on this map so I have tried to cut down on my original picture choices. The main cell area, each cell is geomerged right into the wall because gaps annoy me. The Cafeteria, with firebomb spawn 30 seconds not at start. Climb above the fridge to access this small part of the roof, if you have someone else there you can jump off there head. The toilets, wonder whats in here... Far right toilet sewer leads to the roof Central toilet sewer leads to here The reception The armory, rocket launcher behind pallets Freedom! Crime city overview The sniper tower overlooking crime city Well, that's everything. Actually I nearly forgot to post the link again >.< Please post your feedback, it should work with any normal cops n robber gametype but I will post my own which I know works on this.
Looks like an ok map. It looks like it could be a good slayer map with a V2 *hint hint*. Looks kinda confusing though but in a good way. Map: 3.8/5
This looks really fun! You obviously put some thought into this, I can see from the sheer amount of detailing and interlocking present. The outside view is kinda messy, but, then again, jails aren't supposed to be pretty, right? Either way, good stuff!! 7.9/10 (This map would work great for a VIP variant)
Looks really good fro mthe pics and the description makes it sound good. Only one problem. I hate cops and robbers, so no D/L. Sorry
Wow, its actually kind of tough to get out, unlike the other ones which you just grab a grav lift, or you just jump over the wall, 5/5, defiant best so far.
looks very well done i can see the amount of work and time put into this map, it is a must have cops n robbers map and it seems hard to get out, im dl'ing right now, the map plays well and looks great, but i think u should fix up the cops spawn cuz its 2 easy 4 the robbers to escape cuz the cops cant get ther in time to stop the robbers
I love the map. But if its the same Cops and Robbers gametype that everyone uses, I'll have to pass. Great map Bad gametype
Iv'e managed to have a few test runs and everything seems fine. I'm really pleased with this map. And I'm even more pleased with the 200 downloads in 1 day!
This map looks awesome, it's a little different then the other one in a really good way. Although I'm not a big fan of Cops & Robbers, this is really good... 4.5/5
wow looks PRIMA!! lol well you did shoot hight but u went pretty close to the best i only seen 1 better one lol so AMZING! map GJ 5/5
nice map! i like the interlocking, but im worried about the gameplay. ill play it later. Thanks for making this map!
Actually as long as the cops keep an eye on the stairs the only place to get out is the cafeteria and that still only get's you half way.. I did actually think alot about the layout of the map.
Cool! Probably one of the best jails Ive ever seen! I really like the toilet Idea. The bar is a bit small though
It's such a shame that people put so much effort into these maps, for such a retarded, pointless gametype that is cops n robbers. "Teabag the ground now or I'll shoot you!" "Yay, you're invincible and we gotta wait for you to kill us when you're damn well ready!!111!" "Wait, we can ASSASSINATE him, let's all run around like morons trying to." (2 hours of kiddie screaming)