DOWNLOAD Sub 7 V2 is a small-medium sized symetrical arena map based focusing on FFA, 2v2/3v3 Team Slayer and King of the Hill. It's been the first map I've been able to sucessfully complete due to my short attention span and it utilizes the finest of interlocking and weapon placement. Advised for 2 - 6 players. I wanted to create a map that could keep the players constantly havnig fun without being deadly intrecate with map geometry. Just on a quick note, with some feedback I will be creating a v3, and I know it's easy to get out of, that's why it's designed for KoTH mainly and slayer, but I will be setting it up for Conquest in v3. Weapons, Grenades and Equiptment V2 Changes- Weapons Battle Rifle - x8 - 2 spare clips, 30 second respawn Shotgun - x2 - 0 spare clips, 45 second respawn SMG - x2 - 2 spare clips, 30 second respawn Plasma Rifle - x2 - 30 second respawn Brute Shot - x2 - 1 spare clip, 60 second respawn Rocket Launcher - x1 - 0 spare clips 120 second respawn Grenades Plasma Grenade - x4 - 20 second respawn Equiptment Deployable Covers - x2 - 45 second respawn V2 Changes - Grav lifts at either end of the hallways for easier access to the top floor All crates have been replaced with dumpsters Extra scenery deleted - Cones, Pallets etc. Overshields have been replaced by rocket launcher, overshields did not play a big part in the game Deployable covers added DOWNLOAD
Lol not according to the second picture! Anyway the map look alright but an overview might help to get a better feel for the map. Also the one wall barrier around the outside seems like a major escape hazard, especially with the grav lifts and being able to jump off a deployable cover. I'm not sure but it looks fairly high up but probably not enough for the height barrier to stop you from escaping
Escape is probably the only bad thing about the map really. Other than that it has nice interlocking and looks fun to play on. Map: 4/5
The maplooks great but there is one problem. You can escape!!!!! If you just added a second floor I would definately download. For the map it looks cool nice interlocking. If it wasn't so easy to escape I would DL.
I would definetly add a second floor, or even more things to stop people getting out, but I don't have the resources or enough money to even finish half of it off. Next time I make a map like this, you wont be able to get out.
This looks like a great map, good map design, simple but effective. Also no one else post about the map being escapable, the designer stated that it was in his post.
Thank you for that comment dude =] The "You can get out" is getting annoying. Would anyone like to suggest any changes for V3, after you've downloaded it and played it ofcourse =]
wow, this is an awesome map, interlocking is clean everything looks good 5/5 some changes i would recommend for v3 are putting reciever nodes on the dumpster so it doesnt go anywhere, and making the outer walls igher, because evebn though its annoying you they can get out, they would have to be a dbag to do it but they can just saying
No, there are 3 rocket launchers out there, pretty easy to kill yourself. And the reason I don't put teleporters or grav lifts in, is because you shouldn't have gotten out in the first place.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: dented_drum =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Sub 7 Description: 3.5/5 You gave a fair description. You gave a Weapons/Equipment list with spare clip count and spawn times. The only thing keeping you from a higher score was the fact that each picture had no description. Your description wasn't bad, but there are some that list every inconsequential detail of the map. One must take that effort into consideration when reviewing any map. Pictures: 3/5 The first three pictures showed different angles of basically the same thing. There were parts of the map that I saw in-game that I would've loved to have seen pictures of in the thread. Also, as I said earlier, a description for each picture (tell us what that picture shows) would've helped your score. Finally, you offered no action shots. These aren't necessary, but with so many threads featuring that little bit of extra effort, it's tough to give someone a grade too high who doesn't have that feature. Map Idea: 3/5 What you have isn't bad. The middle/bottom floors are especially nice. I like how you placed the Grav Lift in the tunnel so that it can't be destroyed. Overall, the theme of multiple floors isn't turn-of-the-century. Your execution of the thought process was above par, but the thought process itself lacked superior originality. Map Quality {layout}: 4/5 I can give you a 4 on this because of what I said in my last explanation. You executed your idea very well. Everything looked clean, and it looked like you factored in gameplay. What kept you from a 5/5? *Nothing was so original that it blowed me away. *It is very, very easy to break out of this map. Normally, I don't count this as being a bad thing. On this occasion, you had plenty of money to at least attempt at blocking off the map. Even right now, it is possible to apply the budget glitch to this map. I can't expect everyone to know how to do that, though. So, escapability and originality keep you at a 4/5. Map Quality {looks}: 4.5/5 This is my favorite part. Like I said, it looks very nice. There was one or two spots that I mumbled a, "ehhh," while walking over, but every map has something like that. Very nice job here, bro. Overall: 3.5/5 The overall theme seemed to work fine. I was pleased to see plenty of interlocking and fair weapon placement. Good job. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~dented_drum (FH) being2nosey (Bnet) Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
It's quite simple but seems well made and thought out. You really do need to build higher walls though because small jumps are really annoying.
I KNOW I NEED TO BUILD HIGHER WALLS BUT I CAN'T. If you actually read the ****ing comments, I've said I CAN'T do it because I don't have enough money or stuff to make it higher.
Whoa whoa whoa! No need to get mad, bro. Actually, you can make this map un-breakable. I mentioned a way in my post. Perhaps, you should be the one reading the entire post.
$18 was not enough. No fence walls, barely any normal walls/wall corners. I appreciate your review, but I've never seen one before, or seen anybody say you have good reviewing skills, so I don't care at this moment in time.