Ok let mestart by saying thismap has nothing to do with the disease, or making fun of it. Its a song made by the welsh rapper Akira the Don aka AK Donovan. If you have any problems with the name take it up with him. Im never sure where to put my posts but this seems pretty competive. The name of the map is thx4alldaaids: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and the gametype is akira the don: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing. Its named after a Welsh rapper and one of his songs because all the good names are already taken. Lyrics: white man went to africa with rifles and bibles came back in the 80s cos he's spiteful with a new recital a vaxine - he spread it all around every hut in every village every school in every town but they didn't get cured - they just got aids i said they didn't get cured - they just got aids! and soon it magically appeared in every place a poor person was - so watch your smirking cuz, aint you wondered who's been merking us? who put the crack in the ghetto? who put that crap in netto? why charge that much for lego? why can't we let go? they give us pepsi, cack or coca cola so we settle - get me! so get the right bus, the right bus is priceless unite despite they vices and show this world who's the nicest yo we're the nicest - ask dildo's rollo - if i was your skygod i might smite bono... Its nuetral assault and is either 1v1 or 2 v 2. The weapons are 2 snipers, 2 needlers, a mauler ,a sword, a bubble shield, 2 brs, 2 mongeese and 2 ars. Overveiw Where you score Bomb Spawn Overview 2 Sideview
lol i guess. its a really cool song and it didnt seem like there was a good name for it. if anyone finds it offensive, which idk why they would i'll change it.
I guess I'll say I have never seen anything like it. The name is kind of funny but I think it should be changed because AIDS is a serious subject. The map looks like fun I like the idea and it is a nice breakfrom foundry.
i know it isbut the song just like blames white people for stuff. its just meant to be funny. i'll put the lyrics up in my discription.
I thought the same thing hes going to get crap from people for naming his map after a deadly dissease. Not a good move but I do like that he actualy made a decnt map on coldstorage to go with the strange title.
7/10 from what i can see the score area is too close to the bomb spawn. and the weapon set seems a little problematic. you don't need mongooses.
cold storage is crap to forge on but atleast you tried =( i dont really like the map tho there is alot of floating walls you should fix that and it seems you dont care about the map cause of the name.
the name isnt meant to be bad.its not joking about the disease its talking about where the disease came from.