Not really sure what went wrong with that... I'll look into it. Thanks a ton. EDIT: okay it's over a month and a half later and I am just looking back on some of my old screenshots and I can't believe how confusing embedding screenshots used to be to me.
Thanks. I have more like this one that I'll post in a bit. I love how the people here (unlike don't ridicule me for stupid things like using purple weapons.
This is your best screenshot yet. You're amazing with anything artistic, and I hope you continue your trend of awesomeness.
Thanks for helping me figure out how to properly embed a pic. At first I could not figure out what was going wrong.
wow thats pretty sweet man, looks a wee bit akward outside the head, but non-the-less its a good picture
Wow. Everybody does like this a bit better than the Arbiter one. That's understandable though. But the wierd thing is that this was my first weapon drawing ever. Arbiter was like my sixth. Beginner's luck, I guess.
Thanks. I was originally going to put more weapons into it to make shading but there aren't that many weapons on avalanche.