I wonder wtf is up with this, it just kind of floats there and never moves. And the windscreen is opaque so you can't see into it .....
Yeah, I found a phantom like that in halo 2. What's cool is that the AI is still in those things. Whenever you shot the phantom it would turn around, looking for where the attack came from. Nice find.
Not for awhile after the Hangar scene, I didn't have the patience to sit there forever. I think it might be the pelican that you come across when the jumppack brutes are kicking it's ass.
If you all don't know this, that pelican is used for the opening cutscene when they first land in the level. They put it here because it takes less time to load a whole other video so they kept the pelican but put it in a place where they wouldn't think people would be. This is used a lot like on the ark, if you use a pan cam out through the sky you should come into a scene box like thing. It's kind of like a gallery showing all the pictures in the cutscene before it. It shows the backround of space, the ark, and a planet. Yeh, and you can also go into the space combat area showing a bunch of random items like doors.
just search youtube on pan cam or something like that. EDIT: Just because i'm so awesome, I uploaded some pics. (not mine) yeh. all found here:Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Screenshots Here's a quick tut of the pan cam, you probably already know:http://youtube.com/watch?v=TL2misXVqbM Here's a link to the thread for a tut:Into the space battle scene on the Ark with the camera - High Impact Halo Forum and Fansite Wow. i am so awesome.
first of all try reading. I didn't say I found it. But thanks for being a typical Halo community jerk off about it.