This is another weapon drawing I've done. This one was just after the Master Chief screenshot. Download here Okay. This time I used Photobucket!!! Let's hope it worked.
This post does not meet forgehub standards, please embed your image with photobucket or image shack. thank you. EDIT: nevermind he fixifacated it lulz.
I taught him how to do so. He's doing it right now, be patient guys. Besides, this screenshot is awesome and totally worth the wait.
Wow that looks great! I prefer the master chief one but they are both great That one must of been a lot harder then master chief .. Good job!
Yeah. The MC was a lot easier to do because he is actually made out of straight lines. Arbiter is more organic and harder to replicate with mechanic lines.
Yeah. People say the mouth is odd-looking. This is because there is no weapon small enough to make teeth other than the magnum, which just disappears when seen from far away. Thanks for all of the feedback though!
Holy crap that is one of the best screens I've ever seen!!!!! Great job it is so well made and the picture is so realistic! This is amazing you should be very prouf of it. 11/10