This picture was not actually happened in matchmaking and I splattered the guy who lazered me. :squirrel_giggle: (I edited the pic just to put the sloggin in) Click Me!
Wow that looks great! The laser in the background makes it look epic! But the fact that you can see the trees in the background gives the pic away for me .. But great job anyway!
wow nice pic. the color contrast of the lazer and the blue electricity of the ghost really makes it look good.
dang thats cool tho i think the writing kinda messed with the picture a little bit, would have been better without it
Yeah, the only reason I put the writting on the picture is so I didn't have to write in the thread and someone miss it... If you want I can post the original picture also.
The effects I used hmm.... well I got shot by a lazer in matchmaking so I guess I used a lazer, the ghost blowing up and the lighting of highground. (If nobody guessed the person in the ghost is me.)
holy man thats a really epic picture ... ? what map did u do it on ... cuz that is soooo intense!! Your on a ghost right ?
Awesome, normally to get an effect like that you need to stage it. it's kinda lucky, but still, that doesn't make the screen any worse.