Riptide v1 Created by HomieG54 It's partially paintball with some twists to it. But can be a lot of fun. Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag VIP Slayer Story: Every Corner you look there's someone there watching. Either if their watching or not there there. They could be there with a sniper, plasma pistol, needler who knows but their there. Description: Hey, This map is just like a beta. I wanted to know if I added a v2 what to add. If you think it's fun and such I will pursue a v2 with jedi eli. This map uses interlocking, and immovable objects. It's fun playing on it. I recommend minimum 3v3 or 4v4. I set it up so you can have up to 16 players. So please comment about what I should add to a v2! Now Some Screenie's! P.S. JEDI ELI and DESERT RAT 852 for helping me test it! Forging 101: [ ___ ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Base 1 Bunkers Base 2 Combustion Am I stuck? Jedi Eli has skills I'm Teh Kung Fu masta! (I'm in the blue) Download Riptide v1 Download Team Paintball Download Paintball CTF Download VIP President
Wow thanks. I thought I was going to get flamed. I will get a overview pic tomorrow for you Y35. It was kind of hard but I'll try.
Looks like a perfect SWAT map. I can see it now...*envisions carnage*...oh yeah, this is gonna be good. I like the scattered around stuff to hide behind and the bases. It's simple yet effective. DL for sure! Map: 4.9/5
It was a privilege testing this and the gameplay was quite fun. And yes, I do have sword skizzles. Can't wait to play it again. It would be awesome if there was a v2, too. Great map
I'm not good at geo-merging so yea and I used the name from a local pain tball place so I didn't rip your name. Do you think there should be a v2? and thanks for the great comments. And the bunkers will be fixed I just wanted to see something.
well... this is a very simple map and you should probly put more variety i mean more options to go with also the middle is plain and boring you should put some structures there to make it flow metter and use control of LOS on the opponents if you do this it adds stategy to your map and a better flow. making it more fun in the end.
personally i think theres not alot to it, unless it was built for quick matchs. good interlocking though. ill DL and check it out