My name is Rob, and my GT is Vodelhaus. I've just gotten into forging and I'm really addicted, I'm having a lot of fun and I'm almost finished with my first map (not yet named). I've been using this site's FAQ's and other helpful links to assist me with some of the more advanced techniques in Forge. However, I have a problem. I'm not much of a computer junkie, and I was wondering if anyone could help me/direct me to help with the proper posting of new maps on the forums. I don't know how to put pictures in a post, I don't know how to make certain words bold or highlighted, and I don't know how to center text in a post. Any help in this manner so I can post in the most appropriate manner would be very appreciated. Thank you, Vodelhaus
Hey, welcome to ForgeHub. I'd like to be the first to welcome you =] Good luck on completing your map, I hope to see it when it come's out. If you need any help with anything, just send me a message dude =]
Why hello there and welcome to Forgehub! I hope your map turns out well and has a good reception and DL numbers when you post it. Just make sure you follow the standards before posting because you get bad reception by other members because hardly any of the new guys follow the rules. Good Luck and Welcome to FH!
Welcome For pre-made, easy to use codes for embedding images and linking to maps and gametypes follow this link: Mandatory Read Before Posting Your Map Welcome to Forgehub. We look forward to your first post.