Here is my first map, Kill Run. Download- Kill Run Download Kill Run is a map I made when I first found out how to interlock objects on the Forge. Its set up for Slayer, Team Slayer, King, and Oddball. I took a few screenshots of the map for you to see if you want to look at it first. Weapons on map All respawn times default 2 Shotguns 2 Snipers 2 Maulers Several Battle Rifles 1 Sword 1 Gravity Hammer 1 Rocket Launcher Description: This mainly a free-for-all map. The only vehicle is a ghost that is easily taken out via rocket launcher in the tower with the ledges in overview 1. One the bottom floor, when players are fighting, you can shoot what I call the Dragon's Box and it blows up doing medium damage to surrounding players making them either easy pickings or an easy kill steal. In Overview 2, the structure to the right has a sword behind the fence wall and on the side of it is a vertical mancannon bringing you up to the Sniper area, which is perfect for snipers, as they can go all around the ledges, but there is also a sniper on the bottom floor behind the main structure designed to take out the top sniper. On the highest floor are three platforms, which can either be the best spot during a match or the worst, because the walls are fence walls so the rocket launcher can easily kill you, you can't hide from either BRs or Snipers. Overview 1 Overview 2 The Dragon's Box in action (Sorry, no idea why this one came out small) Kill Run Download
I think this map looks pretty cool, but I could use a list of weapons and their respective respawn times as well as a couple more pictures. Also, while some of the map does look interlocked, the pictures you showed us give off an air of discombobulation. Maybe you could make it a little cleaner? But still, I'll give it a DL. Thanks for the map!
The map seems ok for new member. However it seems you know how to interlock so more interlocking would be nice but it is not required. Also you know how to post images correctly which is a plus. Because you know how it would be great if you had more for us to look at. The reason your picture came out small is because you used a thumbnail. To fix this when you get the the page with your image on it, click the image first to get the full size on a new page and then use that link instead. Finally as said before a weapons list and vehicles(as I see a ghost) would be great and helpful. Greatjob on posting your pics correctly for your first post and Welcome to ForgeHub
tsk, tsk, tsk Nice map it looks pretty cool good job for a I-just-found-out-how-to-interlock map. nice job.
I think you need an explaination or description of the map. It would help us understand what the heck is going on.
kinda weird with all the mancannons and gravity lifts, sometimes they make it hard to get around, even though they help you get places faster, its hard to know where your gona land most of the time
Yeah, all the outer lifts, (forgot to mention in description) lead to the middle, one I think brings to the middle platform above the box. and the others lead to the bottom