[youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=Uz5cl131KTk[/youtube] I thought it was hilarious, especially if you've played portal.
Re: Life of a Turret - Portal Video Ehh. It was alright. It just seemed like a classic put-VG-characters-in-real-life-situations video. The voice didn't even sound like them. I liked the song in the background though.
Re: Life of a Turret - Portal Video That was pretty good, I laughed pretty hard when the companion cube dropped on top of them haha. -Donuts
Re: Life of a Turret - Portal Video It's not high-pitched or girly enough. Okay, I'll admit. I chuckled a bit when the turret was telling the other one to say stuff. And when that one turret was falling a whole bunch. And when they started talking about Jetman, love that game. So yeah, it was actually pretty funny. Makes me wish Garry's Mod came for the 360.
Re: Life of a Turret - Portal Video hahahahahahahha, lol, rolf, i love it. "i wonder if there will be cake?" "**** you" lol!!
Re: Life of a Turret - Portal Video Yeah Ive seen this before really hilarious I laughed really hard I loved all the references in there Like - "Will there be cake" "This Would never happen at Black Mesa" awwww portal = bestgame ever
Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=Fz2_NkyTv8E[/youtube] Look before you post. -Grif
Re: Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret That was awesome!!! :squirrel_rocking: "This day couldn't get any worse..." "You had to open your big mouth..." That and the comment about the android and the turret's floppy disk...
Re: Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret As Titmar would say: http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=2309.0
Re: Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret today has been a great day in funny video history lolz for the millionth time today