Spotlight 3.75 Made By Xkreep Gametype: Infection *I See You* Description: Human- You are a prison inmate and a friend has just set a bomb and you have escaped with other prisoners. Your goal is to kill the Spotlight guards and survive. Zombie- You are a spotlight guard you must find and kill all the escapers before it is too late. Use you sniper rifle to spot them out and find a sentinel beam to help you even more. Pictures: Overview#1 Overview#2 Overview #3 New Human Spawn After 30 Seconds this happens and the humans fall out You will be forced out after another 15 seconds if you stay in there Action Pics Download Spotlight 3.75 Must play with I See You Game Type Download I See You
I really like the idea for this map, And the fact that its small and allows good fast paced combat...Also on the fact how it was made, it really gives you a good feeling when you're climbing up a pile of crates that look like shipping containers because of their location...Also you fused the objects fairly good, but the one problem is this map is much too overpowered, you should have started the players off with a BR and let them fight their way to the only power weapon with is the sniper that is located somewhere in the middle of the map on the floor, so they do not get too good of a location with sniper so they can steal kills too easily... I rate this 4.5/5
Looks great I love your use of movable objects! I also like how the human's goal is to ''Evac'' from the building. This is a very cool map and I will DL!
the last pic i have seen on another post but i like the idea it is like a new cops 'n' robbers i also think it is well made the human second spawn is of the chain
So this is pretty much like ducks? unless i'm confused. the map looks really cool and i like the idea, but i think its almost the same
I love the look of this map. The use of movable objects creates most of that image. And that fact that it uses the whole height of Foundry is great. 5/5
No he means the game ducks. You know the one on standoff where you shoot gauss turrets at people when they fly out of a double box in a man cannon.
You should have made the inmates orange and the guards blue. But all in all it looks like a great map.
This makes me think of the map: "The Eye".. The Eye makes use of Cold Storage..Since Eyeball 3000 can follow invisible people. So, infected follow the eye for guidance, while humans see it as a curse. Truly quite fun, and enjoyable to see the idiots try and shoot down the zombie, instead of hiding in a nice corner where the zombie can't really tell where you are....Definite download and 5 out of 5 from me, I love these "hide and seek" maps!