just from reading this list some of these things would be great to have. but other things i think is WAY past the xbox capabilities. if i knew that they were coming out with something like this then i would be willing to pay 800 microsoft points or more just for it and some of the possible items.
It should be free IMO. But it probably wont happen. Maybe they will consider this in their next project though
I would definetly buy this for 800ms. It's the best value for money Microsoft will do since Windows 98
I would pay like, fricking, all of my games except for halo 3 for that. except i think it should have a seperate thing that would unlock all items for every map, like, how you can only make covenant barriers on snowbound? thanks to this, you would be able to make them on all maps.
Yeah this would be a great update .. But if it was free then even better but i would pay for it too ..
You know nearly everything in that "update" is physically impossible. Weather cant be changed....even if we put on a nightime "filter" on say ghost town we still have a blitzing sun in the sky causeing glaze off of everyhting...this is built into the map itself and cannot be removed with something a simple as a colour skin. Any of those "buttons"...to be implemented would have to alter the whole game itself....the update would be HUGE. Same goes for a second custom power-up and non detachable turret...same reason they cant add any guns or armors.It would take too much work and detract form their next game. And theres a very good reason the AA wraith isnt supposed to be playable. 2fuel rod cannons(power weapon)....infinite ammo andno needs to reload or any form of cooldow=own any map its on. The scenery by and large would be possible as much of it is already in the game but i wouldnt pay 800 MS points for jsut scenery Not saying this wouldnt be a good thing but much of it is out of reach