xMrFantabulousx sent me these videos and asked me to put them online and I addeed a commentary and intro. The first kill he made was staged. The second, totally luck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsYv4IngEXM&eurl=http://youtube.com/my_videos_edit2?video_id=wsYv4IngEXM&ns=1
That first one was ridiculous. One suggestion for next time, move the mic away from you mouth a bit so you don't get the harsh P's and S's.
mr fantabulous. right up there with mr fabustic. i liked the first part, the kill were ok though. i wonder how long it took you to make that.
That plasma trail is epic, very nicely done. How long did it take him to build that and get it working?
In the second video, the guy probably wouldn't have died had he not thrown that frag grenade. Also, the staged kill was cool, I like how it went all the way around Avalanche.