Duck Hunt! Created by Killz Hiz Prey Download map at : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download gametype at : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The duck hunter stays up in a box with windows while hordes of ducks desperately try to teach a teleporter at the top of the level. Once through the teleporter, the ducks can pick up either a shotgun or a sword along with a powerup that allows them to do damage. Once ready, the ducks get launched through a teleporter that takes them to the duck hunter's box where they can kill him. Ducks die in one hit and cannot do any damage until they get a powerup. The duck hunter gets 1 point for every duck he kills and the duck that kills the hunter gets 10 points. Ducks only get 1 life. The round ends once either all the ducks are killed or the duck hunter dies. Where ducks spawn. The exit. Another view of the exit. The first part of the course. The second part of the course. The third part of the course. The final part of the course. The end. The weapon room. The duck hunter's box.
Sorry. No DL from me. Duck Hunt and it's other forms have been made WAY too many times. Make something original. Also, interlocking would make the play smoother. And the save and end trick.
I did both of those things on this map. Couldn't you tell that just about the entire map is floating?
I know the first duck hunt isn't at all like this. better luck next time but come up with something original.
i agree with minato. Once a map has been made, only the creator should edit it, not some random people to make a different version.
Jesus! This has absolutely nothing to do with Wetbeaver's duckhunt, the similarity is the name only. The Hunter chooses a weapon, and hangs out in the box, while the other dudes try to get to a teleporter so they can kill the hunter. Read before you post. ::EDIT:: Killz hiz prey, please avoid posting twice in a row, instead, click the edit button at the bottom of your post if you want to add something.
Okay fine ignore my first comment. You shouldn't redo somebody else's gametype... happy? no didn't think so. Make something original.
People on Forge hub can be harsh, I mean this doesn't look like the duck hunt maps that I've played.There's similarities but enough change for me to go back to. I like it.
I wasn't talking about that okay! Not about my gametype. I WAS KIDDING ABOUT MY GAMETYPE OKAY SO JUST DROP IT!... please I don't know what you thought I meant but I was trying to be helpful. I guess it came off as being a jerk but I never meant to offend anybody. Yes I also see it has some originality. Maybe the name started this I don't know but..... Just post another map or minigame... or something... sorry.
Uh Sorry to make a accusation here but I think you stole that map because I played on a map just like that and the duck box was just a little different because it had fusion coils. I'm not saying you did I'm just mentioning.