Map Title: ELEVATE Map Title: ELEVATE Description: This is a fun team slayer map with a regenerator operated elevator, this map includes vehicles, a sniping base, a Pit like sword room, and lasers at 2 corner. The elevator. The main part of the map, includes sword room directly under the sniper tower. The two laser corners with warthogs, a chopper, and two ghosts. The elevator hallway, the sniper base, and the oversheild room. Download Map
looks ok, the map seems to have a little much open space and the focus would mostly go to the vechicles. The elevator looks really well done and sword room and the laser corners look good.
Yes, please add more scenery aund the elevator. That will make it much better, and lose one of the Hogs. Two in one spot isn't good.
well made elevator, but i think there needs to be more structures. it seems that there is only one and then some boxes to hold the vehicles
this map looks well made but how do you make a elevator with a regenerator and you have the map title twice also what gametypes is it set up for? and how many people is it good for? could you put in some more pictures of action thx OnlyMaximumv
Uhh 3/5, it looks good with the elevator, but way too open, but interlocking is present. Try making more structures in the open areas.
It's ok I give it a 2/5. You need to add more. Just like OnlyMaximumv said you need to add action shots, how many people do you recommend?, and what game-types can you play on? Definitely add more things to it. Because on small maps you don't want to many power weapons or the game will get boring. Plus you have a sniper and an over shield in the same room. Plus seeing the maps small it's not for big parties so why would you need vechiles. I think it might be fun for 1v1 but a laser and a sniper that would get boring.
You have the potential of making this a good map, but one aethentic item does not make a good map. To make this really awsome, fill up the empty space and loose the vehicles. WELCOME TO FORGEHUB
I'm going to give it 7.5/10, but that's only because of the really cool looking elevator and the the elevated hallway. I could use a list of weapons and their respawn times, and I'm agreeing with the some of the other members who responded to this in the area of decoration. If you could spruce up the open areas a little, even with a fusion coil or some barriers or a couple cones, this map would look a lot cooler. And I'm also going to agree with skikklemeister about the hogs - two is one too many.
For the regenerator mancannon glitch, just put a mancannon through any wall. You will see the blue glow but it will not work. Now place the regenerator by it, now it works through the wall.