Wow thanks this will be very helpful to me bc alot of my friends ask how i forge so good '_' i hate to have to show them bc its annoying n i just wanna get back to making maps >.<
Well umm I have to say its unique thats for sure. Like everyone else i'll have to test it before i make any real ratings. I see what your cause is and like I saaid its a very unique idea, thats what i try to be all time in my maps unique not copying someone else.
Nice used all of the many forging teqniques. No interlocking and geomerging though? You can teach many people great things without having to do it yourself. 4/5
This is very well set up. It will show the people who suck at forge to become better. Although I'm pretty sure most of us know a lot of these basic stuff.
You intentions are good, there are a few people i'm sure who don't want to read "how to geomerge" threads. Demonstrations would probably get the concept acrossed better to some players.
Sounds like a cool idea, just need to make more lessons. Make a full group of maps that cover all the forge tricks that people use. Make a map with the infinite money glitch still on it as well, that always helps.